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Gas Prices


February 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Maryville Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Eddie Bauer 11 ordere
How often do the gas prices updated in the snyc system on the 11 x

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How often do the gas prices updated in the snyc system on the 11 x

If you have the sirius travellink subscription they are updated from sirius live, if you are using the sync connect subscription then they would update when you connect your phone and it dials in.

do not know which one the wife used but they all were 9--10 cent a gallon off gas was higher at the stations

do not know which one the wife used but they all were 9--10 cent a gallon off gas was higher at the stations

That's a pretty big difference.. I have the Sirius subscription (I believe all of the ones w/ the nav unit are supposed to come with 6 mo's free of sirius w/ travellink). I'll check the prices at a couple of stations on my way home tonight and let you know how they compare.

If we are going to buy a new car and worry about gas prices there is a problem. Gas prices is something that its not worth worrying cuz its and up and down. And over all countrys we are the less expensive of them all!!!! Check and see!!

If we are going to buy a new car and worry about gas prices there is a problem. Gas prices is something that its not worth worrying cuz its and up and down. And over all countrys we are the less expensive of them all!!!! Check and see!!

Are you sure you got the message/issue the OP had right? I have my doubts..:rolleyes:

do not know which one the wife used but they all were 9--10 cent a gallon off gas was higher at the stations

On my way home I evaluated 4 stations. 1 reflected an 11 cent difference, 1 12 cent, and the other 2 13 cents. All the stations prices were higher than the observed price in the unit.

I'm going to research the sirius service a little more, however for now if you hit the fuel type button on the left, and set it to Premium it will more accurately reflect the prices (within a penny or 2). It's not a solution, but it is a quick fix. I'll let you know if I find anything else out from Sirius

Mine was dead on or within 2 cents of all the stations I passed yesterday, if you actually push the station that you want to go to and look at the screen at the bottom it tells you when it was updated. I noticed the ones that were wrong had all been updated the day before.

Mine was right on with all my local stations.

Mine was right yesterday I guess the first time I used it it had not been updated in a day or two or maybe it was because it was the first time I used it ????????????

As for the guy who does not care what he pays for gas thats great he does not have to worry about it I am on a fixed income and the only reason I will use this app is when I am traveling and do not want to get ripped off in a area I do not know and If I can go 10 miles on down the road and get it for 10 to 20 cents less a gallon thats money in my pocket to the oil companys pocket

Mine was right yesterday I guess the first time I used it it had not been updated in a day or two or maybe it was because it was the first time I used it ????????????

On our trip this weekend (roughly 1200 miles total), we checked various gas stations and they were all spot on. I assume they were off that day because the gas prices went up at most of our stations by 10 cents or more in one morning.
