got a hood scoop | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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got a hood scoop

Wow, looks so much better molded to the hood!

That's gonna be sweet when painted.

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so, what did you use to mold it onto the hood?

Do you plan to make it functional?

would help out with gas mileage at highway speeds with it functional... wouldnt be to difficult...

no I dont plan on making it functional. atleast at this time...
I first used fiberglass bodyfiller, because of it's strengh, then I used ever coat body filler over that.. this would fill in the pin wholes ect. this filler applys very smooth and is very easy to sand

hello forum..
well it's been rough since I been on here last.. I had a motorcycle accident
and it's set me back a bit.. I have more projects to do now that I am behind.
I never, ever painted anything unless I thought the prep was perfect. so here are some pics of the hood wet sanded.. now it's not perfect if you look real close on the leading edges of the scoop you'll notice one is more refined than the other.. this bothers me, but I just cant spare any time to correct it,
it seems like everyday, I have something new to do, and not enough time to do it... I am having a little hard time sleeping because I know what needs to get done tomorrow, and the hood is in my way.. so unless something changes, I am going to paint it tomorrow as is... I really wanted to show the forum here a nicley done scoop.. but time is so important right now.. so take a look at it now.. if I dont have pics up in the next day or two, you know I corrected it, and it's being painted

man it was a pain in the rear.... it's not to my standards by far... but the wife dont mind, she loves it... I really could of used 2 more days to make it flawless but I just dont have the spare time.... I layed 2 coats of clear. I'll wet sand and buff in a few days while it still soft....

Looks great! Can't see any problems in the pics.

Hope the accident didn't mess you up too badly.

Wow that looks really great. If I do put on a scope I want settle for anything less than that now. It looks amazing, great job.

that looks really really good.

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