Got my windows tinted! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got my windows tinted!

I've been wanting to do it for a while, but I just haven't had the time, but today I finally got it done. I just got 30% tint (legal max here) on the front two windows from a place around here called Brixan Solar Works and they look great. Only thing is the waiting for 3 or 4 days until I can put the windows down, but with all this much needed rain we're getting now, I don't think that will be a problem. I wish I had a digital camera to take some pictures of it, but that'll come later. Ok, I'm done now. ;)

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Cool, sounds good!

I've been putting off tinting my windows, hopefully I'll get around to doing it this summer :)

Do the front windows look good with the rest of the factory tint? Or can you tell they're different? I want to get mine done to but not sure if they are going to match. I guess the tint shop would be able to tell me though

I've been doing the same thing. I keep putting off the window tinting because I'm afraid the front and back aren't going to match. Does anyone know what %tint it is in the back?

Yes, you can tell a difference in the percentage of tint (on mine, anyway), but the reason for that is the law requirements for the front are different than those for the back (in SC). I myself don't care if the front matches the doesn't really matter to me. I don't know what % the rear is, there's another thread around here somewhere that explains all of that.

If you go to a good place, you can just tell them to match the front to the back, which is what I'd probably do for mine. Or just get the place to get the front and back to match. If it's a good place, they should be able to handle it

I just had mine done recently, i have 5% on all the rear window's then 20% on the 2 front windows along with a 5% EyeBrow.... Looks really good cant see in at all!

i can get all my windows done by a guy i know for $140 but dont know if i want to get them done.......i know he's going to put 5% on all the rear windows and even the side windows that push out (i have a 2 door) and either 25% or 35% on the door windows.....i wont be able to see out the back at all so i'll have to look out my window when backing up.....would probably be a good time for aux. back up lights

I think the tint to match the back is 20%... Don't quote me though... What I did was got 20 over the current back, and 5 percent in front.... It looks the same all around, so I figure since .2 x .2 = .04, the factory tint has to be around 20%, just my thoughts.
