GWNF Fall Wheeling Trip | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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GWNF Fall Wheeling Trip

Hey Hey, it was a nice Jeep. I really respect the Grand Cherokee vehicles and their owners more than the Wrangler vehicle and owner combos who know nothing about their vehicle or off-roading in general. Way to go donkeyboy on having such a killer vehicle even though it still is a JEEP! If was only an explorer....;)

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Originally posted by VBVASploder
Hey Hey, it was a nice Jeep.

I never said it wasn;t. I gave him quite a few nice compliments. What I liked most about it was the scratches on the rock rails, and the 2 dings on the door (don;t worry, i'll keep it to myself, donkey ;) ), showing that he uses it. The thing is most guys with a wrangler "build" them for the look of a cool wrangler but it will never see any bit of dirt, mud, or rock. And for him to take his new, daily driver, through some of that stuff, i give him props!

:D With all them Explorers on the trails nowadays, I had to do something for being different :p

BTW, I also started liking the YJ and TJ drivers, most of them are great guys which wheel like we do. I have no problems keeping with my well protected but just mildly moded WJ up with most stock ir light modded Wranglers

I guess you wheel with the respectable YJ and TJ drivers who know what they are doing, but the ones I know (mostly college and high school students) have a Jeep just to have a Jeep. One more thing, your kids should be proud of their daddy, he knows what he is doing and has a killer daily driver :cool:

OK, since the trip is over and obviously you guys had a great time (I wish I had foreseen how it would have turned out!!!!!!!!!!!), I hope it is okay to take this off topic real quick. Isles4evr, where are you in Hangover? I use to live in Spring Meadows right past Wal-Mart. Now, I am only about 15 minutes out 295, right off Woodman. And donkey boy, you are in Glen Allen.........with a good tailwind, I can almost throw a football to Glen Allen. How come I never see you guys on the road. I have only seen one modded X in Richmond, and that was down south near Petersburg.

Anyways, glad you guys had a GREAT time. Hopefully I will be ready for a repeat run in Spring maybe.


Hangover, eh? So what do I give the whole community the nick name now or something? :chug: . Naw I am in the Atlee/Elmont area off of Atlee Station Road right by the hanover air park (kings charter ring a bell?). You probably don't see me around cause the X gets driven like once a week unless my Tahoe has something being done to it.
I have seen a few "build" explorers around here. I saw a bad ass bright yellow first gen downtown, when I went to the Y101 birthday bash this summer. It had a 5.5" lift and 33's from what I could tell. And there is a 93/94 Eddie 4 door with a 3" body that drives by me all the time but never waves (even when I am in the explorer)... i get so pissed!
And VBVA, I know what you mean by the kids owning a YJ or TJ just to have a jeep. We have what we call here a "Jeep Borgrade (sp?)." When there are parties here there are usually like 6 or 7 YJ's TJ's and a CJ that park behind one another.

Originally posted by VBVASploder
I guess you wheel with the respectable YJ and TJ drivers who know what they are doing, but the ones I know (mostly college and high school students) have a Jeep just to have a Jeep.
:eek: those Jeepers :( Well, I don't really consider those yahoos as "Jeepers", and actually, you find them at some easy to access hangouts in the woods (normally leaving tons of empty cans behind :fire: ), maybe getting stuck in the first puddle, but you rarely meet them on the real trails.

Robb, you will never find me if you are on the look-out for a modded X :p ;)

the guys we wheeled with were pretty cool.... i liked being the big dawg... but that one trail was to small for my X compared to those tj's an yj's

No where to be found i guess. I can't find anyone with a scanner around here.. my buddy who had one is away at Ohio state now. I did, however, go out and buy a dig. camera last week. I got a Canon A40. It definitly fits my needs... actually has more features than I need, but oh well.


Originally posted by donkey boy
Where are all the pics that were promissed :p
I cannot find my camera. :(

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
I cannot find my camera. :(

I don't remember from the run, but was it a throw away camera?

Hope you find it


No, it wasn't a disposable camera. It's not a big loss, I got it for like $30 at Wal-Mart. I don't know where else to look for it though. I think I might have left it in my truck when I had the damage from the deer fixed. It could have got lost there.

John, you can post some of my pics if you want to since you are elite. Sucks to hear about your camera, your friends were taking a lot of pics with it.


Originally posted by VBVASploder
John, you can post some of my pics if you want to since you are elite.
That works.


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