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Hang Over Revisted . . .


Elite Explorer
August 18, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Grit City, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 “Sport”
Back in Tacoma, just wanted to say "thanks" for Bryan and Phil (as well as John and Jay) for the wheeling trip today - - good to shake off a bit of the rust and make sure that most things are still working.

Realize its lame to start a thread without photos, but my camera "pooped the bed" after my first (and only) photo today. . .

'91 Sport

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01-01-2008, 07:43 PM <<thread start date and time

Holy crap that looks wierd

Oh, just saying it looks weird with the 2008. You can still post up the one pic, though ;)

Yeah, it was overall a fun day. Thanks for coming and we have to do it again for sure.
