Hard start when the truck is Warm? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hard start when the truck is Warm?


Well-Known Member
September 27, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Haverhill, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer
I have a hard time starting the truck if I run in the store and try to start it up.
It will start, it just takes an extra 5 seconds or so of turning it over?
The battery is new, and the connections are clean and tight.

Any ideas? Gotta get it ready for it's season of use!

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Have the starter tested, might just be worn out.

Mine was acting the same way, but it was every start.

Is it easy to get at on these things? On my other car it is a ***** to install.
I don't think it's the starter though.

Before going after the starter, make sure it's not fuel related. Turn the key on/off a couple of times and then try and start it. If it works, then the problem is probably fuel related.

Will do, didn't even think of that.
