Have a powerstroke? Whats this light for? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Have a powerstroke? Whats this light for?

my pos mounty

Explorer Addict
September 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Land of Corruption
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 F-350
I'm shopping for something larger than my Mounty. I was "fleabay" trolling and saw a truck I was mildly interested in, then I saw a light on in the upper right of the dash cluster. Have no clue as to what that light could be pointing out and would appreciate it if "someone in the know" would be so kind as to enlighten me. Pic below, and a link because I, for some unknown reason, can not always post pics.



After reading the description of the Excursion that I saw that pic of, I won't be buying that one. The description says 96,x.. miles, and that pic shows it on the odometer. Checked out the history of the truck and it says that on 10/2007 it was reported to have 113,x.. miles, reading taken by the state of Texas for an emissions test.

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I've had two E-350 powerstrokes and I've never seen that - you sure its not specific to the vehicle?

I've had two E-350 powerstrokes and I've never seen that - you sure its not specific to the vehicle?

Hmmm, could be.
Its a 2003 Excursion, 6.0 Liter.

Mileage...how could that be? Its electronic. Most modern cars can't have the odometer rolled back...easily. 113K to 96K?, good choice not to buy it. That Mileage rollback sounds strange to me. Just got to figure out how it could be done on that.

Mileage...how could that be? Its electronic. Most modern cars can't have the odometer rolled back...easily. 113K to 96K?, good choice not to buy it. That Mileage rollback sounds strange to me. Just got to figure out how it could be done on that.

I'm going to guess that the dash cluster was changed with a lower mileage unit from a local junkyard?.?.
Or whatever electronic component stores the mileage information was swapped out.
There has to be a way to do it.


Filter Minder.

Air filter needs to be changed, and/or filter minder needs to be reset.
