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help! electrical problems.


Active Member
March 11, 2012
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City, State
rockaway nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 ford explorer xlt
Ok so this happens last night when I got outa work. Turn the car on no lights or gauge lights. I have the auto lights on so I turned it off and used the switch. No fog lights but my headlights went on still no dashlights.
Here's what info I have
99 explorer xlt
H.I.d. foglights
Checked my fuses. Under the hood in the #11 spot mini fuses there's a 15amp fuse that blew. Checked to book. It's for the parklamps relay and mainlight switch. Replaced the fuse and tried again. Everything flicked on and then the fuse blew again.
What could cause this. Also I have an after market headunit and the clock is off. It doesn't keep going when the cars off and displays the time it had on last time time the car was on. I think that radio problem could be unrelated because my ipod won't connect either.
Any input is appreciated

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who put in your HID fogs?... :)

I did about a year ago they worked amazing til now.

did you do any wiring "mods" to allow for HID operation... stock usually doesn't support that thing. Further, were there fogs originally? hmmmm.... :)

hids went on simply and yes its a 99 xlt with the bumber that had the fogs. hids worked great for about a year now everything was done right the only extra wiring that was not stock still was for the headlights which still works. the issue I'm having now includes the taillights parking lights foglights radio and dash lights i dont think its just the fog lights plus all those fuses are fine besides the one that goes to the relay. its either a relay or a wire came lose or a ground came loose. ill have time tomorrow to trace all the wires with a digital multimeter and test for shorts

problem fixed! i had a license plate frame that lit up blue. the power wires going into it like right were in goes into the unit were melted together and still hot since i just tested it. they fell right off werent even connected to the frame anymore but it was positive and ground touching. i just took it off and put everything back together and everything works again. as far as the radio problem. it wasnt related to this all i did was unplug it and plug it back in and it works again. i guess it just needed to reset itself.
