Help needed asap CMP drive unit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help needed asap CMP drive unit


Well-Known Member
June 21, 2004
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City, State
Pensacola, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Sport 4x4
Got the old one out and went to put the new one in, but it will not seat all the way down. Tried to put the old one back in and same thing. Has something turned that I can re-align. Engine is at TDC on piston one. It seems to start to go into the gear teeth, but then stops and seems like the oil pump is not aligned. I took the new one out once and droped the old one in just fine. Went to install the new one again and still no go, but now the old drive unit will not drop in anymore.

What can be done now. Need to get this thing done asap. Daily driver needed for Monday.

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See if you can get a small screwdriver in the hole and turn the oil pump drive slightly, to match up with the drive shaft in the CMP unit.

dont install the tool until you get it seated, then rotate until tool drops in place

I think everyone is busy today, I expected more feedback on this

Well I can get it in, but for some reason it seems like the unit is one tooth off either way when installed. It will not slide in, in the right position. The alignment tool is either slightly left of center of slightly right of the block center line. This thing is giving me a headache. Hopefully things will come together after I take a short break here.

With engine at #1 tdc
Drop unit in, rotate until tool fits in, tighten holdown--you are finished

It doesn't matter which direction the whole unit faces, as long as the stator is in synch with the #1 piston

In the Manual, it's telling me that the alignment tool must be put in at 60 degrees off the center line for the block and allow the drive unit to rotate. It says to install the alignment tool and then slide the unit in. You are telling me to slide it in and then rotate to fit the tool. What is the correct way. Are you telling me that it does not matter what degree at slide the unit in at? I guess that makes since because the sensor will mount in line with the tool once the tool is removed and as long as it is at TDC on #1 when installed, it will get the right reading. Is my thought process correct on this one.

I was simply trying to get it to mount exactly as the old unit was aligned. But after closer inspection of my new drive assembly, the slots for the oil pump are slightly diferent. The new unit's slots are slightly rotated compared to the old unit. The would account for why the new unit is not sliding in on the same degrees as the old one.

I hope you are right, because if I have to tear all this apart again to get to it, I am coming to find you. Just kidding. :chug:

Thanks for all the help.


Your thinking is correct. The flag on the shaft breaks a magnetic gap once per rev of camshaft--get it. As long as the tool is fit, it is timed.

You will have no need to look for my address.

Good luck


Installed it. I will be puting the engine back together tomorrow. I don't know why they put this thing where they did. I was told by the Ford Stealership when I asked for the part, that the part was supposed to be good for the life of the engine and it should not be the cause of my chirp. Idiot!!!! Turned the old unit by hand once out and it chirped like a little bird. The local shop wanted $550 to do this job. I can see why now. You SOHC and V8 guys have it easy when it comes to replacing this part.

Ok enough stress and pain has happened today. Time for a beer. :D

Got it installed and it's good to go. I got scared for a minute when I cranked it up and it would not idle at all. Went on a search through the engine to make sure everything was all hooked up and I forgot to re-connect the vacuum hose from the brake booster. Hooked that up and she cranked and idled great. Runs great. Even a little smoother I think. Thanks for all the help and encouragement. Everyone else must be on vacation.

