Help rodent in my dash!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help rodent in my dash!!!!


Ejection seat man..
June 17, 2003
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Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT,75 FJ, 05 Cummins
Okay this isnt an explorer but i need help. Heres my wifes 2000 olds bravada. I went out side this morn to check the oil. So i went to the passenger side to get a napkin out of the glovebox. I opened the door and sat in the seat and heard a scuffle. So i looked in the door jam and i saw this long like tail thing at first i thought it was a baby snake (cuz thats what it looked like) but then i could see the back part of it and its little claw. Then it ran in between the fender and inner fender. So i went inside and told my wife she has some bigass mouse or rat or rodent in her fender. Well if its in the fender i wasnt to worried about it. WEll my wife got ready to go the store and opened the drives door and started screaming and ran back a few feet. Well i guess the rodent was in that door jamb now and it ran into a little hole in the structure of the car,where the wires go from the car into the door. So now i think this thing is in my dash and do not know how to get it out. Ive had this car for about 3-4 months. Do you guys and gals think that it could have been in thier since i bought it? All ive done is tried to look for it and had the heater on full blast. Please help!!! O yeah the tail was like 8-9 inches long.


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    joe rat 002.jpg
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    joe rat 001.jpg
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Thats pretty interesting. You could maybe get one of those rat traps that have a sticky side to them i think there called like glue traps or something. They get stuck to it and try to eat themselves outa the trap and it kills them. Put like 2 or 3 of them in there trunk, driver door floor, middle seat maybe. Leave it in over night and you might have a very nice trophy rat the next morning.

Saw something like this on Pimp My Ride and they just took the whole dash off.

Yeah i started looking at tearing the dash off. And its not easy task on this car. Plus i dont wanna scare it and have it start to try to find another way out and have it eating threw wires. And i dont want it to die were i cant get to it.

Same kind of thing happened to my wife... She went to the pet store and bought some feeder mice for my daughters snake. She told the kids not to open the cardboard box the mice came in, but one of their dumb @$$ friends opened it up and one jumped out and scurried away. We cleaned the car from top to bottom and couldn't find it. She put those sticky pads all over and waited.....and waited ....and waited... We didn't see.... I found it dead under a seat about 2 weeks later..

Someone I work with had a rodent chew though some wires and other things in the Bonneville and it cause if I remember correctly about $1500 in repairs, so you may want to try and get that thing out ASAP. I believe because the car was in their garage when this happened they bought some pellets of some kind that when eaten causes the rodent to become thirsty and will make them leave the area to look for water. This happened well over a year ago and so far no problems since.

Ya they have those to they worked wonders when i had rats in my garage. Its like a blue or green block. They sell it any do it yurself peast control store. its called like rac or somthing.

We had some mice steal dog biscuits, and hide them in the air filter of our old '93 mercury villager.

This isnt the same stuff as decon is it. Like i said i dont want it to die where i cant get to it. Hey derocha whats the name of the sticky things.

glue traps, you could put some out around the suv and have them eat it.

Ill give it a try thanks for all your help guys and for replying so fast.

Dang...I thought this was some kind of joke. Or you just saw that episode of Pimp My Ride, LMAO. Good luck getting it out.

I would definitely open up the hood and check the engine compartment for any signs of nuts or nesting material. Up here we get a lot of chipmunks and other rodents that nest in your car's engine bay.. You wouldn't think so, but start looking around.. I found a several handfuls of acorns under my xlt's intake manifold (I guess they like roasted acorns) :D

As for the glue pads the wife picked them up at walmart (no idea of what they're called)..

I have successfully used mothballs, you could use the flakes, to chase critters from places they should not be. It will not kill them but they hate the smell and they will eat your wiring just to keep their teeth from growing too long.

yeah i gave it a full tune up last night. I didnt notice any nuts or nests anywhere. But i really wanna catch (or kill or even let it walk away) rodent before i go on vacation at the end of the month (900 mile) drive. O yeah i sent my wife to the store to get some traps and stuff. And she bought this huge ass trap. It looks like it would kill a cat. I just laughed when i saw it. **** im scared just to set a little mouse trap let alone this big ass one she bought. But she got a better look at it then i did and she says that its huge.

I wouldnt turn the heater on, because the rodent will get uncomfortable and begin to search for a way out, which means it'll chew through anything, so keep the heater OFF...

the best way might be to do what is pictured, open everything, maybe set some food or something right around the car on the ground and just wait for it to hopefully come out.

yeah i shut the heater off and set some glue traps and the huge ass trap my wife bought. But i shut the doors maybee i will go open them back up.

PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!! All rodent LOVE peanut butter so put a glob on the glue traps and your worries will soon be over. Use the mothballs in tight areas to get them moving out but don't use any poisons, otherwise you will have to live with the rotting smell for months afterward. You want them to move out, not die in there.

And don't get the glue from the glue traps on your carpet. If you do, the ONLY way to sort of clean it ut (you'll never get it all out) is to scrub with vegetable oil, and scrub and dab and scub and dab, then finally scrub with a dishwashing liquid/water solution.

I had a mouse living in the airbox in my Zuk. After spending over an hour chasing it around to no avail, I set a conventional moustrap with cheddar cheese, and 12 hours later the critter met it's maker.

Before tearing anything apart, use a trap to nail it. I could have spent HOURS tearing the truck apart just to have it run somewhere else.

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Okay well its verified.. Its a big MOUSE!!! And that little ******* got me good today. Ive been lifting a yota for the past couple of hours and every once in a while i would go check the car to see if i had caught my creature. Well all night nothin. I was starting to think maybee hes gone, maybee jumped out the door earlier when i wasnt looking.Until about 30 mins ago i was walking to my other car to get some papers from it and decided to give it one more look. So i grabbed my flashlight and was shinning it at the floor at the glue and the trap. Nothin, no signs and the trap was just as i left it. Then something caught my eye. So i shinned the light over to the center armrest consel thing and thier it was. Almost like it was posing for me. Little f@#$er got around all my traps and was chillin on my armrest. So out of excitment in went to open the drivers door so maybee it would run out and i accidentally open it too hard and it bounced right back and slammed shut. So then the mouse ran under the seat i found it again then the little ******* vanished again. He got me good.. And im gonna kill em!!!!!!!
