Help with a 93 Ranger E-brake cable??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with a 93 Ranger E-brake cable???


New Member
March 28, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Ford Ranger standard
My e-brake cable broke on the pedal side. I have a '93 Ranger with 108 wheel base, 2 wheel drive, 2.3 L, and I can't get the cable tension released. If anyone can help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

If the cable is broken and the e-brake is still applied that means that there is a frozen cable somewhere. I'd start by cutting the end of the main cable (the one that has already broken) off where it exits the sheilding by the front cab mount. If that doesn't release it one or both of your axle cables are frozen. Place the rear end on jack stands (w/ both rear tires clear of the ground) and with the transmission in netural see if you can turn either rear tire by hand. The wheel that doesn't turn is the one that has the frozen cable. Using a cutoff wheel in a die grinder, dremel or angle grinder (whatever you have) carefully cut through the cable where it is attached to the backing plate (try to avoid damaging the backing plate). This should release the tension allowing you to remove the drum and replace the frozen cables.
