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help with my 4 wheel drive not engaging


July 7, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
manitoba canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 ford explorer
hi all, im having problems with my 4 wheel drive in the ol explorer. it worked very good last time i used it. (about 3 months ago) and now when i got to engage it it clicks in the back but the light doesnt light up on the dash, also iv changed the switch with a good one i had, i can get to the motor in the back cause its like 40 below out and i dont have a garage to work on it, can anybody give me some advise or point me in the right direction. thanks

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Sorry to say but your motor needs to be replaced mine did the same thing last winter.

My guess is the motor. Search on here for shift motor rebuild and it has good information. I couldn't get mine to work right after the rebuild so I bought one from napa for like 70 bucks. Worked great since replacing it.

Yep, probably rebuild or replace the electronic engage motor that sits on the transfer case. If you hear the relays for the pcu in the back clicking then the motor itself is the most likely culprit.

If it engages, but doesn't light up, it could be the bulb within the switch. There are two green bulbs within the relay (1 for 4x4, 1 for low) and one or both could be bad. What do you mean when you say "clicking"?

The motor dosen't need to be replaced just rebuilt. The clicking is the relay in the explorer the reason the light isn't lighting up is because the motor is misalligned. The plastic washers are more than likely broken, replace them with rubber ones and you won't ever have a problem again. Click on the rebuild thread in my signature for help.

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