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HIDs Fogs, Projectors

So I have 6000K HIDs in my head lights. With Diamond cut black chrome head lights...

But I have stock fogs, what are some ideas for my fog light?...Just HIDs, or projectors, or projectors with HIDs behind them? Is that even possible?

Heres what I have...



Any ideas? Any and everything will help me out...

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swap the fogs out to a high performance light....

or... i am sure someone makes some bling white bulbs for the fogs....

yeah i've always wanted to put hids in my fogs since i did hid retrofit with projectors on my headlights but i wouldnt know how to keep the projectors and ballast covered and sealed so that water doesnt get to them down there(also keeping them in there securely so no one can steal them since its easy access to the fog lights down there).

Where did you get the headlights and courneys from. all i can find are the black ones with the yellow side plate still in it

lights look sweet, where did you get them and how much?


your passenger side light fogs too? my did, but i blew out all the water, then made sure it was sealed tight and i dont have the problem anymore

Looks good, I wouldnt trade my HIDs for anything else!

I just bought a set of the "Euro style" fogs for our Ex. It gets pretty foggy here between April and August (our autumn/winter), so they should come in handy. They cost me around twice the listed price, but the extra was all shipping to Oz.


