Highest original parts mileage | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Highest original parts mileage

My old 1999 Mountaineer had just over 100k miles on original engine when I sold it in 2009.

The factory transmission was replaced around 80k miles

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I'm at 252,800 now, and fearing I have rear end trouble. A growling whine noise started about 5000 miles ago, could only hear it at 70 and above. Recently have started hearing it at speeds like 35-40. Ugh, I fear the worst.

North of 300

I've got north of 300k. Unfortunately the odometer broke shortly after, but that was about 4 years ago so no telling where it's actually at. But still my daily driver and no issues to speak of.

96 XLT 2WD 5.0

I'm at 140k with original motor and drive train.
Replaced alternator, radiator/water pump, front cover, that squeaky crankshaft position sensor. Only use Mobil 1 since new. Just changed brake hoses for safety sake. Last month got new a/c, oem compressor leaking oil. Change brake fluid very few years.

Love the V8.

Almost forgot--had to replace that worm gear in the trip odometer.

Approaching 290K miles; original 5.0L engine and transmission. Lots of maintenance and peripheral items have been replaced, but only semi-major engine/transmission work has been replacing the timing cover gasket.

I'm at 252,800 now, and fearing I have rear end trouble. A growling whine noise started about 5000 miles ago, could only hear it at 70 and above. Recently have started hearing it at speeds like 35-40. Ugh, I fear the worst.

turned out to be a U-joint. That and an EGR and it's on the road again, hit 253,000 over the weekend.
