Hitch and tranny cooler install questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hitch and tranny cooler install questions

Since I'm getting a cheap used hitch, it won't have any instructions. Not concerned about fitment (have read the stickies), but how should the bolts be torqued? Anyone have a figure? Should I get new bolts, or is reusing the ones from the "donor" X OK?

When installing a transmission cooler, is a full drain needed? Or do you just top it off for the new volume? I'm sure the cooler will have instructions (NOT buying that used), but I'd like to know ahead of time. Does it get messy when adding in the new lines, or is the fluid loss minimal?



Bolts should be as tight as possible, use the thick flat washers that should come with the hitch. I'd recommend double nutting where possible. I once installed a hitch pulled a trailer every once in a while- about two months in, the trailer sounded funny. I wiggled everything around and the bolts had worked themselves loose. I had them plenty tight at install, but they just work loose.

To double nut, use two nuts on each bolt, pull the first one down tight as possible, then hold it with a wrench while you jam the second nut against it, pull it as tight as you can. The two nuts won't work free that way.

I would replace the mounting bolts and nuts with new hardware. Further, as stated above, tighten them throughly. I would use nylon lock nuts.

You will loose little ATF with the cooler; just top it off.

Good luck ....

These guys have got you covered. Good luck with your installs!

OK...thanks. Once I get the hitch and bolts, I'll pick up some Grade 8's the same size. I have an air impact wrench, so I can get them pretty damn tight.

