Homemade/diy heat shield air intake (pics) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Homemade/diy heat shield air intake (pics)

Sweet, always knew it was better off dirty... probably should get on cleaning that someday :D

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cool nice

Thats pretty cool

We used this idea thanks


I added back the original Plastic wall the fa ctory snorkel fits thru. The space right there is totally enclosed and should stay somewhat cooler than the rest of the hot engine...

Are you going to do anything with the upper rad hose? I’m wondering because I built mine so it would get the intake away from the hose to prevent it heating the pipe.

Are you going to do anything with the upper rad hose? I’m wondering because I built mine so it would get the intake away from the hose to prevent it heating the pipe.

I wonder if I use that exhaust wrap you did would it be enough to help

No idea, but I have seen people shorten the hose to get it away from the intake.

I wrapped mine not sure if it helped



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