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How do I know if I have the towing package?

yup, there is an aux cooler there, and when i had the trans rebuilt, my mechanic flushed it, making sure there was no metal in it....

So its safe then to tow??

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Sorry to highjack but is this the plug that I would use to hook in the wiring for the trailer? It comes right down by the side.


That's it.

tow package

what about on a 94' explorer limited. same as a 95'.

So do all 2nd gens come with an aux trans cooler? Mine had one (now has 2) but my diff is 3.55. It has a receiver but I don't know if it was aftermarket or factory.
Not all second gens have the trans cooler, and the receiver has nothing to do with the towing package. Oddly enough, they all come with a power steering cooler. The towing package would have a 3.73 or 4.10 limited slip axle. Tow package equals a cooler, the prewiring for the trailer lights, and the limited slip axle.

99 Explore Limited No Rh turn signal on trailer connector or Brake light on the rh

I have a 1999 Explorer Limited with the 5.0 and trailer package. I have the plug but on the female part of the plug the rh side does not work for the turn signals or the brake light. Is there a relay in the rear compartment? Or is there a fuse under the hood that could be bad? Please let me know.:exp:

Do you have the auxiliar transmission cooler in front? That's the important thing. And not to tow in OD, as the manual say.

I have found over the years that the auxiliary cooler isn't needed at all if you are towing on gentle roads with some hills, in cooler temps and also if say your towing capacity is 5000 pounds and your are towing <3500lbs you should be fine and not need it.

Turn off the OD, take your time, never put cruise control on, watch where you park- you never want to be doing 3,4,5,6 point turns in crowded parking lot etc.

On a related subject: I do have the towing package, but am having trouble finding an adapter for that small, round, four (or perhaps five)-pin female connector, which doesn't fit anything. These days the standard connector on just about anything towable (without electric brakes) is a straight, four-pin one. Before I crawl under the bumper in desperation with cutters and a soldering iron, perhaps has anybody found an adapter somewhere?

Sorry for hijacking the thread!

Mine had an adaptor in the left side pocket, where the bottle-jack is located.

Mine had an adaptor in the left side pocket, where the bottle-jack is located.

Sadly no such luck here. Probably tossed away by the previous owner (who never installed a hitch).

Mine had an adaptor in the left side pocket, where the bottle-jack is located.
Same here. A parts truck I recently sold had an adapter in the cubby as well. Not sure what you have in your area, but a trailer dealer should have what you're looking for.


Or look in a junk yard?
