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How long will an explorer last?


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July 25, 2005
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I know this is a question which has many factors involved. I am asking because at a small local dealership there is a 96 Explorer with 122,000 miles on it. It looks brand new inside and out. It has the V8 engine. Just wondering if 122,000 is a lot for these vehicles, as I really dont know much about explorers. The price seems ok but im not sure if the mileage is ok. Im sick of having small two door cars and want something bigger with more torque. A v8 explorer would do the trick.

Also I believe the V8 in these are 5.0 liter? Is that the same engine as the mustang? What kind of gas mileage does a V8 explorer typically get?

Thanks in advance for you help.

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PCBliss said:
I know this is a question which has many factors involved. I am asking because at a small local dealership there is a 96 Explorer with 122,000 miles on it. It looks brand new inside and out. It has the V8 engine. Just wondering if 122,000 is a lot for these vehicles, as I really dont know much about explorers. The price seems ok but im not sure if the mileage is ok. Im sick of having small two door cars and want something bigger with more torque. A v8 explorer would do the trick.

Also I believe the V8 in these are 5.0 liter? Is that the same engine as the mustang? What kind of gas mileage does a V8 explorer typically get?

Thanks in advance for you help.

as long as it is taken care of.It will last a long time

PCBliss said:
I. Just wondering if 122,000 is a lot for these vehicles, as I really dont know much about explorers.

No, thats not a lot of miles for an Explorer.

Good luck in getting it .....

yeah i think im going to test it out today. The only thing i worry about is gas mileage. Going from a 2.0 4 banger to a 5.0 V8 is going to be a huge difference in gas mileage obviously.

Also wondering how the transmissions hold up on explorers?

i seem to be reading about a lot of problems with the transmissions slipping in expolorers when they get up around this mileage

My v6 X has 127k on the clock and it will easily run til 200k with out a problem. These trucks are super durable coming with oil cooler, trans cooler, steering cooler and mostly HD parts. I see so many older Explorers on the road that I am amazed.

The reason I bought mine was because I liked the looks but also because I had two friends one with a Blazer and one with an Explorer same years, as they both ran them hard over the years I noticed the blazer went downhill fast and the Explorer with 110k hard miles on the clock still ran like a newer vehicle. The kid that owned the Explorer was a party man and a traveling salesman. He drove that thing everywhere all the time, did not maintain it properly, cracked it up a few times and it was still a great truck when he finaly traded it in. The blazer was taken much better care of and was ready for the junk yard 7 years after the kid bought it with like 112k on the od.

Explorers are way tough and a great value when purchased used. Do the maintenance and you should be good with that truck, and the 8 cyl is a great, tough engine....

Just a shame such bad gas mileage.

"for most of us"
not the select few that defy the logic

yeah from what ive been reading it seems the V8 gets around 15-17 MPG if you play nicely, which kinda scares me considering what the price of gas is doing

PCBliss said:
i seem to be reading about a lot of problems with the transmissions slipping in expolorers when they get up around this mileage

Not to worry with a V8 Explorer, they have the 4R70W transmission, which is far superior to the A4LD/4R55E/5R55E the V6 models are saddled with. Good luck!

thats good to hear. Thanks for all the info guys!

yes and that motor is in may vehicles so lots of goodies to add to the motor and some to help gas milage..

Your tranny in a older V6 trannys will go out a few times and you'll go broke fixing it before the engine goes out.

Just cross your fingers like I have been doing...

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