How to Disable ABS on 98+ but keep speedo/no cel? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to Disable ABS on 98+ but keep speedo/no cel?

I'm taking bets on a mechanical problem, or electrical hiccup as to why on engine would stall, as opposed to any kind of divine intervention.

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I'm going to go with electrical hiccup, the battery light came on before anything else decided to die.

Well, let there be light... (In another thread I'll tell you about the cb install) I'll split now...

Alright, hope it went well.
Back to the plugs, I have two "abs" plugs on each side?.. Could someone explain?

One on each side, but only one of them needs to be unplugged for the ABS to be disabled.


Could you explain why that is? And I also thought of something, doing it with this method.. can it be turned on/off on the fly, or is a restart needed?

When one of the sensors is unplugged or the switch is thrown, the ABS system senses an error and disables itself. My guess is to prevent a more dangerous accident from happening. Yes, a restart is needed to reset the system.



Is there like 4 sensors for each wheel? (1per wheel) If so, then a single error from one wheel kills ABS completely.. that sounds like a foolish choice by Ford.

There are 3 sensors, 1 for each front wheel, and a single in the rear axle that reads off a tone ring on the ring gear. Its not a bad choice, considering if one goes out, the system can not determine whether or not that wheel is spinning or locked up.


Could I cut one wire from each ABS plug and have those go to the switch? I'm picky about thing being even... lol

Why is there even a plug there?

Could I cut one wire from each ABS plug and have those go to the switch? I'm picky about thing being even... lol
No because they are reading different wheels. You are making this more complicated than it really needs to be.
Why is there even a plug there?
A plug where?


Why are there abs plugs there specifically? it'd an odd spot..

Do any of these wires come closer to the cab? And it doesn't matter at all which wire is cut?

Nope. Just cut one already.

Just do it.. You know you want to.. If it don't work, just use a butt connector to connect it back together.

Was at radio shack looking for a switch today, new managment and vendors.. they didn't have Anything in stock.. I'll go back in a couple days. Any specific wire I should use going to the switch? And what kind of switch?

Go back and read posts 50 and 52 by me. Your questions have already been answered.


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How bout speaker wire? I'm using speaker wire for my cb..
