How to get to rear speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to get to rear speakers


Explorer Addict
November 28, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Quincy, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Sport XLT Premium
Can someone tell how to access the rear speakers on a '03 Sport?

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They aren't still just behind the grilles that pop out? You should be able to push down on the top of the grille while pulling slightly outwards and it will pop out... Assuming that the design is the same as it has been for the 12 model years that came before! ;)

I don't know what the other year model grilles look like sint this is my first Sport. Here is a pic of the passenger side grille:

That looks like my procedure should still work. Did you try it?

The side profile of the speaker grille in the previous model years looks something like this:

[lame text art]


[/lame text art]

And what you are seeing as the grille in your pic is what I have in my text picture as red. The two blue vertical lines in my picture represent the tabs of the grille that hold it in place. If you push down on the green sections in my picture, while pulling out by way of the red sections, the tabs should clear the plastic interior panel and the grille should pop right out!

(I nominate myself for the best text art post of the week :D) If my brother didn't have my Ex right now, I'd go take a picture of how to remove the grille.

Did you use any special tool like a screw driver or anything to push down the tabs? Nice picture. I think I understand it. I'll try again tomorrow to get to the speaker.

he;s right...use a flathead and pry the top out and down. once grill is out, 4 screws hold the speaker in place. should take less than a half hour, start to finish, with wiring and all.

I've tried and tried to get them off but they won't budge. It's making me mad. :mad: I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

buy a haynes...but make sure it covers your model year. or call crutchfield...or just drop by a local car stereo place. they will probbaly tell you ho or do it for you for cheap. it chould be like we already described, but maybe ford changed something.

Ok so the people at Circuit City couldn't get the grilles off either. When I pick up the car in a couple minutes I'm going to head over to a parts store and see if i can find a shop manual for my car. Ford must have really changed something if no one can get these things off.

Ok so well yeah this sucks major a$$. Ford changed the speaker grill design for the '03 year. There are no longer clips just on the top and bottom. There is plastic lining the edge of the whole grille so it is impossible to pop it out. Truely terrible. I think I'm going to sell my Kenwood speakers since I can't use them now.:mad:

Yeah so I decided that I'm just going to sell my Kenwoods and buy some new speakers next summer and put them in if I actually get a JL stealthbox. I'm still bummed but like you said SiLenZe, at least my ride looks cool.

Is it the same procedure to get the rear sub enclosure off to. Just use a screwdriver and push down and out? i tried once but it wouldnt budge.

Originally posted by 03ExplorerSPT
I don't know what the other year model grilles look like sint this is my first Sport. Here is a pic of the passenger side grille:

Hey, not fair! He is not an elite member but he was able to post a picture. How is that possible? I thought you have to be an Elite to do this.:(
