Hydralic assist steering -who's done it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hydralic assist steering -who's done it?


Well-Known Member
August 19, 2004
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Republic of Texas
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'91 Explorer 4x4
I'm contemplating Hydralic Assist on my '91 with a HP D44. Who has done this that can shed some light on what is needed to make it work?

FWIW, my other option would be a flat top knuckle and high steer arm.

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ok, why is the other option histeer, why not both?

I would say go histeer, you dont need hydro but those fullwidth tie rods hang down low.

Only thing you need to worry about is tapping the stock box -- which I guess Section's thread doesnt cover but a Google search should turn up quite a bit of reading.

ok, why is the other option histeer, why not both?

I don't need both. I'm just trying to improve the steering a bit. My current setup has worked pretty well for the past year. It just won't turn as sharp because the bottom drag link TRE rolls fore and aft on the tie rod when I turn the wheel.

Am I correct in understanding that the Explorer gear box is the same size as the Bronco gear box?

ok so that bring the second aprt of my question, which is mroe important.

Having an easier time steering or keeping your important steering parts out of harms way while eliminating bumpsteer in the process?

I'm not 100% on bronco box being the same but I "think" it is..

I know the f-250, e-150 and explorer are all the same.. (I replaced my explorer box with one from an f-250 then one from an e-150)...

As I understand it, all 90's fords (ranger to 250's) use the same box (TTB vehicles)


I didn't see that this was answered in Section's linked post, but is the Explorer PS pump sufficient for a hydralic ram with a 1.5" bore and 6-8" stroke?

I didn't see that this was answered in Section's linked post, but is the Explorer PS pump sufficient for a hydralic ram with a 1.5" bore and 6-8" stroke?
You need to do some research. And dont be afraid to do a Google search because hydraulic steering isnt something we talk about on EF even on a monthly basis.

But here's a good foundation on getting higher pressure: http://westtexasoffroad.homestead.com/powersteering.html.
I dont know if your pump is a "P" style or a "TC", but the concept is the same.
