I have a 03 explorer limited with the 4.0. It will only start with throttle wide open then it will run for seconds then die pulled plugs they are wetv | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I have a 03 explorer limited with the 4.0. It will only start with throttle wide open then it will run for seconds then die pulled plugs they are wetv


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November 10, 2023
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2003 4.0L rer limited 4x4
Sensors all have ref. Voltage cleaned iac tps numbers move up and down smoothly it has no fault codes . The fuel pressure regulator is not broken .. it has 60lbs fuel pressure . No fuel in vacuum line to it. Injectors are flashing as well as spark with inline tester. I am at a loss for whT to try . Customer had put in new spark pugs ..coil pack ..an temp sensor.?...

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Dumping too much fuel
Could be air leaks in intake, plenum o rings?

Thinking out loud here

Does it run with the mas unplugged?
Sounds like for some reason the computer has the injectors wide

When it does run, any timing noise?

Dumping too much fuel
Could be air leaks in intake, plenum o rings?

Thinking out loud here

Does it run with the mas unplugged?
Sounds like for some reason the computer has the injectors wide

When it does run, any timing noise?
Too much fuel yes plugs are wet most of the tome when I pull them even tryed a different set of plugs.. and yes also have unplugged mass air flow and no change at all. And motor only I just hitting g 66 thousand miles . I had it start for about a minute after changing spark plugs and it sounded great no odd noises it reved up and down just would not idle . . That happened one time . Now always have to hold pedal to the floor it will start for about. 2 seconds then die. .no codes probly because someone before me cleard them and has not ran long enuff to detect anything yet.
And I am willing to try anything at this point so any suggestions s that's whatever bounce them off me . Oh and the factory alarm seems to be working from what I have read an see the light flashing g when it should and turns off when I am trying to get it to run. And as far as air leaks I have tryed to give it some didn't help. Also have checked all fuses and shaped around relays just for the heck of it. No change.


Too much fuel yes plugs are wet most of the tome when I pull them even tryed a different set of plugs.. and yes also have unplugged mass air flow and no change at all. And motor only I just hitting g 66 thousand miles . I had it start for about a minute after changing spark plugs and it sounded great no odd noises it reved up and down just would not idle . . That happened one time . Now always have to hold pedal to the floor it will start for about. 2 seconds then die. .no codes probly because someone before me cleard them and has not ran long enuff to detect anything yet.
And I am willing to try anything at this point so any suggestions s that's whatever bounce them off me . Oh and the factory alarm seems to be working from what I have read an see the light flashing g when it should and turns off when I am trying to get it to run. And as far as air leaks I have tryed to give it some didn't help. Also have checked all fuses and shaped around relays just for the heck of it. No change.

And plenum O rings seem fine . It would start still if they were leaking .

Well either you have too little or too much fuel pressure or the computer is commanding the injectors to stay wide open

That is my best guess
I would do fuel pressure test first

Thank you for your Input I need all I can get .
The fuel pressure is between 60an 65 so I don't think there's a problem . I checked vacume line to fuel regulator it is dry. (Had diaphragms break in those before) I am starting to think for whatever reason computer is holding injectors wide open . The pulse on a noid light seems normal ..

Ok the pcm uses a switched 0 v line to each injector to pulse it. You should see 12 v on both sides of the injectors , with black probe on ground with key on.

If the signal side drops to O v on all injectors with key on, pcm is bad.

The pressure regualtor is actually in the tank the vacuum pulse damper is mounted to the fuel rail

In 99 all these fords went to returnless fuel and the pressure regulator is now in the tank

When it was unplugged it ran for a minite .. without throttle wide open motor sounded good but still dies out?? Have unpluged one by one most other sensors and never had it run this long . ....
