I messed up very badly | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Take it apart all the way to the heads. If the intake valve of that cylinder is closed, you may be able to retrieve everything. Clean out your shop vacuum before vacuuming so that you can see if you were able to suck everything out of the intake port of the head.

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Honestly not the worst thing in the world. Manifold could probably use regasketing anyway, and it’s good learning for a new-ish guy.

Do PCV, vac lines, EGR, etc while you’re at it and the access is good.

Label everything!

Yes we call that the injector “hat”

Did you fish the parts out?

Oh heck. If you try the shop vac method you'll need to seal the lower intake manifold top ports .otherwise the vacuum will escape, instead of sucking out the cylinder . Just stick some duct tape over them.
