Idling Problem - 99 Explorer Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Idling Problem - 99 Explorer Sport

Northern Bronco

New Member
February 24, 2003
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City, State
Markham, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport
Hey Everyone,

I am the owner of a 99 Explorer Sport with about 90,000 Km (70K miles) on it and to date it hadn't given me any problmes.

Recently however, when I start the truck it idles at around 500 rpm and ends up stalling if I don't keep my foot on the accelerator. Usually it idles at around 800 or 900 rpms, but now it stays at around 500 and if i release my foot from the accelarator it will stall.

I don't want to spend big bucks, as the truck has been very good to me. Any suggestions, causes, and fixes?

Thanks, Bronco.

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Hey Bronco! Welcome to the site! It sounds to me like you haven't had your 00M12 recall done yet! That's the intake o-ring replacement. What happens is the cheesy o-rings Ford used not completely seal until they warm up. Making for a rough idle until the truck is at running temps. Do a search on this site for 00M12 or check with your dealer to see if you've had it done. I think its covered until 72k cause it is actually a TSB and not a recall. Good luck! :D


What is that if you don't mind me asking. Will my dealer replace these rings free of cost?

You think that will keep the rev's up when I start the truck?

Thanks, Bronco

TSB = Technical Service Bulliten (I'm pretty sure)

What was happening with my GFs '98 Sport was the idle would vary from 800-2800 RPMs while warming up. I know I've read a lot of other thread where people were having to give theres gas in order to keep it running. So I'm fairly certain that is your problem. As long as you're under the 72k, Ford should pay for the fix. My GF was over the limit and it would have been $480 or so for Ford to do it. But we just did it ourselves for $48 in parts.

And if you've already had the recall done and that is not your problem.... next in line would be the IAC. Idle air control valve. Basically, its the valve that controls how much air your engine sees. A lot of time they either just get dirty or need to be replaced. You can also do a search for "cleaning iac" for some good threads about how to do that.

Relatively cheap things I would check:
IAC, O2 sensors, TPS, Air Filter, Fuel Filter / Pressure System, MAF clean?
I would definatly look into 00M12 though.
Also, I'm guessing its a '99 Sport SOHC 4x4 like mine?

Its a 99 Sport all right.

I called Ford and they will do the 00M12 and 01M01 for me. Should that be the fix? I am sooo hoping it is. I am tired of keeping one foot on the gas and one on the brake just so it doesn't stall.


That should fix it, but even if it doesn't, believe me you'll be happy they did the fix anyway. Does it get better after it warms up?? If yes, then definitely the o-rings. If it's constantly bad idle, culprit is most likely the IAC. $60 part that takes 10 minutes (with numerous beer swigs included) to replace (if cleaning doesn't work).
