truck sputtering and stalling at idle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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truck sputtering and stalling at idle


Well-Known Member
June 30, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
sandy hook, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer
I was wondering if you guys could help me diagnose a problem. My truck has 186,000 miles on it. It is a 1996 explorer with the 4.0 liter v6 engine. Just recently when I have been at idle, the RPM's will go between 800 and 900, the truck will shake <kind of pulse> and it is running rough. The lights on n my dash and voltgauge also pule too when this happens. It has stalled out twice while this has happened, even after driving for a while. Also, last night it idled at 2000 RPM for a while and seemed normal. This only happens when I am idling, so I think it may be the Idle Air Control valve. I would like ot know what all of you think.

David Larson

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Come on guys, please help me.

Hi asterus:

It could be your IAC, but usually that causes a check engine light. It could also be a clogged fuel filter. I recently experienced similar symptoms, and it was the fuel filter.


I feel your struggle

Man, I have been having this same problem for the longest time...Nothing so far has fixed it. I've replaced the IAC, Plugs & wires, fuel filter, coolant sensor, cleaned the maf sensor, added seafoam, new air filter..all to no avail.
I don't know what else to do...I would really HATE taking it to the stealership but I don't really see another option here. I heard that it could be the oxygen sensor...but then again, I've heard that it could be ANYTHING! Let me know when/if you find out what was causing it and I'll do the same.

Good luck!


check your manifold bolts

Increase Idle?

I have noticed that with my ac running, the idle stays steady and the XLT will not cut off. Once the ac is off, the RPM's are dropping right back to low again. I've also noticed that it does it alot when I'm on hills, wether I'm at idle going up or down. Could this have something to do with my fuel pressure? Also, is there any way that I can just turn up the idle a bit so that it doesn't drop so low? Could this just be a failing oxygen sensor?


This morning when idling I was watching the gaugge and it was jumping from 1000RPM to 2500RPM. back and forth. If this helps anyone I would appreciate it. This started when I was driving from Ohio to Niagara Falls. I just had the fuel filter replaces. and last summer, I cleaned the MAF, IAC, and fuel filter. I know that I do need a new DPFE sensor.

David Larson

I also noticed that when I am driving and at like 2500 RPM and at a good speed, I let off the accelerator, and for a few seconds it goes down to 400 to 500RPM.

David Larson

Anyone else have any info on what may be happening?

I'd start with the IAC. May need to be replaced at that milage.
