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If its not one damn thing its another...

Well I found my slow leak, damn it. Can this be repaired? Im so pissed right now its not even funny. No one in the state of Ga has another used wheel either.




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Read in my first post where I said no one in my state has one. Ive been looking all day.

One of the other welders my grandfather works with is a very good welder and Im going to check with him this weekend. If anyone can do it I feel he could.

Ive got my factory wheels... so no.

This is the wheel I need, if anyone has one let me know ASAP please. Its a 3rd gen Limited wheel. Dont need the sensor or center cap. Needs to be like new condition, no rust or curb damage.


Im going to find out, see if we cant drill a hole at the end of the crack (to stop it) and weld it up. If we can my only concern is balancing it.

Well heck, a new one is under $100 from Ford... I was told it was around $300.

EDIT, somethings not right with that price. Its in the computer wrong. It is $290...

If its that cheap get a new one or search for a used one. But you may have a hard time with that

That crack is repairable. Crack repair, plus a rechrome, might be costly though.

You might dig online for places that will exchange your damaged wheel for a "new" one from them. That might shave some costs for you.

4 Dr, exc. Sport Trac; 17x7-1/2, 5 spokes (alum), chromed (Limited) - $100
Thompson's Auto and Truck Recycling USA-GA(Bowersville)

4 Dr, exc. Sport Trac; 17x7-1/2, 5 spokes (alum), chromed (Limited) - $100
Thompson's Auto and Truck Recycling USA-GA(Bowersville)

Huh, thanks. That wasnt there when I searched. They must have added it recently.

Mine is being fixed right now though, so Ill see.
