Inner tie rod choice. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Inner tie rod choice.


March 6, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Houston tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 explorer sport 4.0
Hi guys. Explorer sport 2 door. Inner tie rods need to be replaced. Any advice on brand? I will go with motorcraft from R.A if there is no option but will appreciate any ideas. Going a little bit over the budget on front suspension and would be great if there any other option than motorcraft . Thanks

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The Motorcraft MEOE16 inner TRE that I see on Rock Auto, is only $16.67 on Amazon. At that price, I'd get two there, except they show "Only 1 left in stock (more on the way)", so there may be a wait, but I bet that once they get more back in, the price will go up a lot. It does appear that they'll let you order two now to lock in that price.

That's what I'd do, but from the other options Rock Auto shows, I almost never buy anything in their "Economy" section so there's only three others left, Moog, ACDelco Pro, and Mevotech. The picture of the Mevotech is odd, no idea what they did with their design. The Moog costs over 50% more than the ACDelco Pro (which also has lifetime warranty)... so if in an hurry I'd get the ACDelco Pro but if you can wait, hands down the Motorcraft for $16 on Amazon if you order before the price goes back up.

Double check that part #, I don't know the relevant differences for an '02 Sport but that is a different part # than the inner TRE for some years of 2nd gen explorer.

Get the Motorcraft MEF42, it has the inner tie rod, boots, and metal clamps. This is what I used when I replaced mine.

The Motorcraft MEOE16 inner TRE that I see on Rock Auto, is only $16.67 on Amazon. At that price, I'd get two there, except they show "Only 1 left in stock (more on the way)", so there may be a wait, but I bet that once they get more back in, the price will go up a lot. It does appear that they'll let you order two now to lock in that price.


That's what I'd do, but from the other options Rock Auto shows, I almost never buy anything in their "Economy" section so there's only three others left, Moog, ACDelco Pro, and Mevotech. The picture of the Mevotech is odd, no idea what they did with their design. The Moog costs over 50% more than the ACDelco Pro (which also has lifetime warranty)... so if in an hurry I'd get the ACDelco Pro but if you can wait, hands down the Motorcraft for $16 on Amazon if you order before the price goes back up.

Double check that part #, I don't know the relevant differences for an '02 Sport but that is a different part # than the inner TRE for some years of 2nd gen explorer.
Thanks j_c got that one from amazon and ordered one from r.a . Also got some other stuff from amazon and free delivery. Was thinking about ac Delco professional as a second choice. Want to keep the car so decided to change the original ones with 178 000 on it . They had some play but I think will last couple of more years for sure. Really had a hard time with passenger side removing them. Don’t want to do this job again. Thanks for advice and willingness. Max

Get the Motorcraft MEF42, it has the inner tie rod, boots, and metal clamps. This is what I used when I replaced mine.
Hi Rick . Found them on eBay and search says that they not fit explorer sport . Thanks anyway. I am gonna use metal clamps from hardware store and old boots ( they in a great shape) .
