Installation of Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Installation of Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor


Active Member
May 11, 2014
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New Mexico
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ford Explorer
My Explorer has 173,x.. miles on it and yesterday it threw a P0193 (Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor) code. The recommended fix is to replace the sensor which is located under the upper intake manifold. I have searched this site but did not see a write up on this procedure. There are two videos on Youtube that cover the steps to remove the intake manifold and remove the sensor. One video mentions a deep well 8mm socket, wrench extensions, a T20 torx and the intake manifold's gaskets. Is there anything else I should make sure I have on had to perform this sensor replacement?

Here is the youtube video


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*I think the hardest part of this job was finagling the upper intake in and out of the fuel rail and egr and whatever hoses and wires were in the way.
I was up on a chair at the grill leaning in to get the back bolts. I thank the forum for mentioning how hard they are to get to. It's really just the one back driver side bolt. As someone on here mentioned feeling the bolt with one hard while guiding socket onto it with other was a good method.

Nice video, brings it all back.

Anyone know the part numbers for the fuel rail pressure sensor an the o rings? Id rather not go with something cheap and have to redo in 6 months. I'm hearing Bosch for replacement but do not know the part number. Id also like to order online as it would be cheaper for the sensor and the o rings. What parts have been used to successfully eliminate this issue?

Anyone know the part numbers for the fuel rail pressure sensor an the o rings? Id rather not go with something cheap and have to redo in 6 months. I'm hearing Bosch for replacement but do not know the part number. Id also like to order online as it would be cheaper for the sensor and the o rings. What parts have been used to successfully eliminate this issue?
V6. Motorcraft cm5229
V8 motorcraft cm 5258

Will include new o ring

I believe the Bosch part linked below is the OEM fuel pressure sensor. Even the part number matched the original on the left.

Won't allow me to post Amazon link. $35.30 shipped. Copy and paste:

Bosch 0261230093 Original Equipment Fuel Pressure Sensor​

Amazon product ASIN B00C81T99M


Thanks everyone. What about the o rings or gaskets for the plastic intake?

Thanks everyone. What about the o rings or gaskets for the plastic intake?
What I do for parts shopping, numbers is go to rockauto dot com .
Find a part you like, write the number, then search Google for that number. Sometimes RA wins, sometimes ebay, sometimes amazon.

I used rockauto to find above numbers for you.
