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No no no, test the TPS, clean the maf, clean the IAC

No no no, test the TPS, clean the maf, clean the IAC
Test the tps ok i actually plan on going get a voltmeter in the morning and ill clean the rest, and i think imma do another smoke test tomorrow

No no no, test the TPS, clean the maf, clean the IAC
Quick question if u ever did or witness a smoke test did smoke come out the iac and is that normal or a bad sign i took the metal cap off the back where the filter go and tried to put a glove over the closure but air seem to come out the housing where the cylinder meets the part that bolts to the intake

... No part of the intake/vacuum assembly should be leaking. If smoke is coming out somewhere you have a leak and it needs to be fixed.

... No part of the intake/vacuum assembly should be leaking. If smoke is coming out somewhere you have a leak and it needs to be fixed.
So smoke should not be coming out the back of the iac

Starting to wonder if you're trolling me at this point ...
Smoke should not come out ANYWHERE during a proper smoke test.
If smoke comes out of something that thing needs fixing/replacing.

Pull the iac, clean it, reinstall with a new gasket or make your own with some Felpro. Or, just replace and throw in a new gasket (or make one) so you don't have to worry about it.

... No part of the intake/vacuum assembly should be leaking. If smoke is coming out somewhere you have a leak and it needs to be fixed.
So smoke should not be coming out the back of the iac
Starting to wonder if you're trolling me at this point ...
Smoke should not come out ANYWHERE during a proper smoke test.
If smoke comes out of something that thing needs fixing/replacing.

Pull the iac, clean it, reinstall with a new gasket or make your own with some Felpro. Or, just replace and throw in a new gasket (or make one) so you don't have to worry about it.
Oh ok, and no sorry for asking the
Starting to wonder if you're trolling me at this point ...
Smoke should not come out ANYWHERE during a proper smoke test.
If smoke comes out of something that thing needs fixing/replacing.

Pull the iac, clean it, reinstall with a new gasket or make your own with some Felpro. Or, just replace and throw in a new gasket (or make one) so you don't have to worry about it.
Oh ok i get what your saying now i was just makin sure u meant no smoke shouldnt be coming out the iac at all sorry for asking the same question

No worries. Just fix/replace and redo the smoke test until no more smoke comes out of anywhere.

No worries. Just fix/replace and redo the smoke test until no more smoke comes out of anywhere.
Thanks i appreciate your help buddy i know its been alot of question and u save me alot of money goodnite ill update tomorrow

Thanks i appreciate your help buddy i know its been alot of question and u save me alot of money goodnite ill update tomorrow
Hey buddy i just had a question i got my truck running its idles great and driving but still cut off, someone told me after they check it out at a small shop it might be a sensor in my steering column thats msking it cut off due to my key ignition being broke and my shifter being off, cuz it idled fine but when i shift it kills, have u or anybody heard of this

So smoke should not be coming out the back of the iac
i just had a question i got my truck running its idles great and driving but still cut off, someone told me after they check it out at a small shop it might be a sensor in my steering column thats msking it cut off due to my key ignition being broke and my shifter being off, cuz it idled fine but when i shift it kills, have u or anybody heard of this

Glad to hear it's running right finally. A sudden cutout could be an electrical fault for sure or an issue with your broken ignition.

You could try taking for a spin and keeping pressure on the key. Try inward, upward, and downward pressure. Also, pulling on the key lightly. See if the fault changes. Doesn't matter if the fault disappears fully but if the issue changes then you know you're issue is indeed related to the broken ignition. - If the ignition is broken in a way that allows you to turn the surround without the key in then try the same but on the surround.

Glad to hear it's running right finally. A sudden cutout could be an electrical fault for sure or an issue with your broken ignition.

You could try taking for a spin and keeping pressure on the key. Try inward, upward, and downward pressure. Also, pulling on the key lightly. See if the fault changes. Doesn't matter if the fault disappears fully but if the issue changes then you know you're issue is indeed related to the broken ignition. - If the ignition is broken in a way that allows you to turn the surround without the key in then try the same but on the surround.
Ok thanks bro, i will try that i never thought it would be a problem a while back when i started to be able to take the key out while it was running but i should have fix it then and thanks for all the help u gave me over the last few days

No problem. We don't know that it is the issue and this test wont make us certain if it's a negative but it's worth trying. We got her running right so now we know it's worth it to keep her that way.

No problem. We don't know that it is the issue and this test wont make us certain if it's a negative but it's worth trying. We got her running right so now we know it's worth it to keep her that way.
Roger dat buddy

No problem. We don't know that it is the issue and this test wont make us certain if it's a negative but it's worth trying. We got her running right so now we know it's worth it to keep her that way.
Hey buddy i have a ? I plan on changing my cps and was wondering if u did it before and do i really need to remove the upper intake to do it

Hey buddy i have a ? I plan on changing my cps and was wondering if u did it before and do i really need to remove the upper intake to do it
I have the ohv so i thought it would have more space ri gh t

No problem. We don't know that it is the issue and this test wont make us certain if it's a negative but it's worth trying. We got her running right so now we know it's worth it to keep her that way.
I took my upper intake off and the gaskets were hard as a rock but im having the hardest time unhook the injector connectors to move the harnes so i can pull the bottom any idea

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