Is 2-3 sec delay on shifting gears normal at all? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is 2-3 sec delay on shifting gears normal at all?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2011
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City, State
Socorro, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Mountaineer
1997 mercury mountaineer 5.0
176xxx miles

I've been noticing that the transmission takes 2-3 seconds to shift from 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4. Its been like this since i got it, and i never thought much of it since it got me from PA to NM without a problem. Fluid is nice and red at proper level as well.

I did talk to the transmission guy at my local Ford dealership and he said it sounds like it needs serviced. Obviously i don't trust the dealer, as they can be very disreputable.
I'm thinking i need the transmission rebuild or something.
Has anyone had this problem and fixed it?

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1997 mercury mountaineer 5.0
176xxx miles

I've been noticing that the transmission takes 2-3 seconds to shift from 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4. Its been like this since i got it, and i never thought much of it since it got me from PA to NM without a problem. Fluid is nice and red at proper level as well.

I did talk to the transmission guy at my local Ford dealership and he said it sounds like it needs serviced. Obviously i don't trust the dealer, as they can be very disreputable.
I'm thinking i need the transmission rebuild or something.
Has anyone had this problem and fixed it?

It's not normal. Transmission probably needs a rebuild.



  • Shift Flare.jpg
    Shift Flare.jpg
    89.8 KB · Views: 599

I don't think that's normal. Probably getting worn.

I'd just keep running it before I got a rebuild. It will kick the CEL when the problem progresses. And even when that happens you can do what I did for two years and that's shift it manually, lol. I did that for so long I had trouble breaking myself of doing it with the new one.

Well, i do shift it manually, but i don't see how that would help because it still has the same delay. It's about .5sec less with O/D off though. Could it just need a service? I went to dealership in town for lulz and that's what they said it could be.

In all fairness, those are all V6 related.
Because the V8 have a better transmission, the 4R70W.
It doesn't mean that it can't be damaged. Especially if, the OP has some specific driving habbits.
I think I remember a discussion about using transmission braking versus better pads whan I told him that I prefer to change more often the pads than the transmission.

Yeah, i can tell, it does need a rebuild. Unfortunately I don't know any shops i can trust in New Mexico.

Also it sometimes shifts hard into the next gear. It's not a very violent shift, but it is noticable.

Also, if i go from neutral back into drive while moving, it takes a few seconds to re-engage the transmission. And a clunk when i put it in reverse when backing out of a parking spot. And i actually do notice that it's a little smoother when changing gear manually.

Well, I'll see how long it lasts. Unfortunately transmission rebuilds are so expensive that it would sadly be cheaper to replace my mounty.
I assume it costs about $2000 or more to have the transmission rebuilt at a reputable repair shop?

Also, if i go from neutral back into drive while moving, it takes a few seconds to re-engage the transmission. And a clunk when i put it in reverse when backing out of a parking spot. And i actually do notice that it's a little smoother when changing gear manually.

Well, I'll see how long it lasts. Unfortunately transmission rebuilds are so expensive that it would sadly be cheaper to replace my mounty.
I assume it costs about $2000 or more to have the transmission rebuilt at a reputable repair shop?

I have a Tbird with the same 4r70w trans and fixed up some problems. First of all, you have to be sure the trans was filled with Mercon V fluid. Accept no substitutes. Not sure? Do a full drain of the trans using the torque converter drain plug. There are procedures on the web for this. Second, The accumulators in these transmissions are garbage and have to be replaced:

The 1-2 can definitely be done when you drop the pan, the 2-3 needs to have the valve body dropped. Change the springs too.

Also, the MLPS (Positions sensor on the side of the trans) could be bad (Cheap fix, but a guess).

This is also a good read:
