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Issues with Keyless Entry

I don't think that the Securicode panel would be a "security" issue. If someone wants your vehicle, they will likely get it no matter what.


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I don't think that the Securicode panel would be a "security" issue. If someone wants your vehicle, they will likely get it no matter what.

I know but my wife feels better without it.

anyway I activated it today but the factory code doesn’t work.
maybe I do it wrong.
Any advice how to use the securicode panel?
Let’s start at
Approaching the vehicle keypad is dark. What is the first step? And what is the process to enter the code and opening the door.
The manual is not that helpful

First thing is to make sure you have the correct code. When you want to use the pad, start by swiping your finger over it, top to bottom and it should light up. Then it is just a matter of entering the code within 5 seconds of each other and the doors should unlock. To lock the doors press the 7/8 and 9/0 buttons at the same time. That's really all there is to it.


The securicode panel is still not working, but from nowhere the keyless system ist working as intended. No idea, why I did not make any changes.
I hate issues like this because it’s nearly impossible to fix.

Still no luck. Keys/Keyless/Keypad everything is not working. Still wondering what part I should try to replace. Still thinking about the BCM, but I do not have a clue what kind of BCM I should buy, because so many part numbers are available. :mad:
It is still pain with two small children on a main street to enter the car.

Still no luck. Keys/Keyless/Keypad everything is not working. Still wondering what part I should try to replace. Still thinking about the BCM, but I do not have a clue what kind of BCM I should buy, because so many part numbers are available. :mad:
It is still pain with two small children on a main street to enter the car.
Take it to the dealer/mechanic and have it scanned. Make a decision what to do next after that.

Take it to the dealer/mechanic and have it scanned. Make a decision what to do next after that.
Unfortunately I do not have a Dealer here. The next dealer is approx. 3200 miles away on the other side of the ocean.

But I have Forscan and it does not show any codes related to the entry system.

I found some time to look into the vehicle. The RTM Module does not comunicate and Forscan just says "Error".

Does this Module has a fuse? Maybe I have to replace it or it has a loose contact or something. But this is the first hot trail to this issue.

I found some time to look into the vehicle. The RTM Module does not comunicate and Forscan just says "Error".

Does this Module has a fuse? Maybe I have to replace it or it has a loose contact or something. But this is the first hot trail to this issue.
Are you referring to the Radio Transmission Module (RTM)? If it has a fuse, it should be listed in the Manual.


Are you referring to the Radio Transmission Module (RTM)? If it has a fuse, it should be listed in the Manual.

Yes this is the module. Do you have an idea, where it is located in the vehicle? The manual does not spent a word on "RTM". Something similar is the Fuse 27 in the cabin fuse box for "Intelligent access module". Unfortunately it is always a pain to reach this fuse box.

I just went through the component layout diagrams for the 2011 and 2012 Explorers and did not see anything related to the RTM.


Thanks Peter. I ordered the BB5Z19G481G control module. I think this should be the one, which is responsible for receiving key signals and TPMS Signals. Should be located in back of the center console right behind the cup holders for the rear seats.
Hopefully this will resolve the issue.



Let us know if that did the trick. Thanks.


I ordered the part BB5Z-19G481-G but I got the response from the dealer it is discontinued without replacement. Hopefully I will find it somewhere or I figure out, if the BB5Z-19G481-U for 2013-2015 Explorer will fit as well.

Okay I investet 10 Minutes at the vehicle and finaly found the issue. The connector is almost broken of. I guess I can re-glue the connector housing to the module.
Any advise how to disassemble the module from the center console?
