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Jen's 03 Sport

Hello all...

To celebrate the final payment of my beast, I thought I should finally make a registry for it, with pictures and all!!!

When I was in college, I really wanted a 2door SUV that was relatively new and looked cool as well... Obviously that led me to the Explorer, as Jeeps are cool and all, but not all that practical as my daily driver. Sooo, the search was on! I wanted a black one, the newest year I could get for the Sport, with the fewest miles, with leather and a sunroof! :D

Eventually my searches pulled up my exact specs, but in South Dakota. I lived in Iowa at the time, so no big deal. I bothered the people at the dealership with my excessive questions to make sure it was worth the drive there to look at it. And luckily, it was! Mom and I drove out to look at it, and I ended up buying it. My first (nice) purchased car. It had 16,x.. on the clock, was a certified pre-owned from some old man so it was pretty nice, other than that saggy rear end.

First thing I did was swap out the stereo, and figured out how to wire it to the factory sub thanks to the forum! Then, add a leafs were next. I had the next several years mapped out for it when the tires would wear out and I was outta college and could finally have some money!!! I took off the step bars and added a Yakima rack and drove it like that until I moved to CO. That's when the magic started to happen, ;).

I knew I wanted to lift it from the day I bought it. When I started my big kid job out here in CO, I was able to buy new wheels, tires, shackles, and body lift to get it started! Thanks to the awesome boys from this forum (hokie, nssj2, sparkyXplorer) they got it on for me. I was of no use as I had just had shoulder surgery, but they made sure to get my on the right track :thumbsup:

Awesome! Now I'm good to go. Cranked up the torsion bars a lil, time to hit the trails!!! Got my feet wet in Ouray with the group. And by feet wet, I mean I almost peed myself on Black Bear pass, haha

Since then, I've upgraded my exhaust to 2.5 pipes from the cats back, Flowmaster 50 muffler (kinda quiet :rolleyes:) and a MAC intake. Changed out the plugs and wires at the same time, put on Motorcraft plugs and JBA cables...I also added a Yakima load warrior basket that is pretty quick to take off that holds my snowboard racks and my spare.

Mods to come ---- upgrading gears to 4.56, adding an Aussie locker (or something of that sort depending on my $$), removed gray plastic body panels to paint black, thus discovering rust on my doors GRRRRRR, need rock sliders, skid plates, and on and on.


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heard back from the geico adjuster guy, it's in the shop being disassembled now to look for any hidden damage. will know tomorrow the time estimate to get it fixed and the cost. luckily i just have a 250 deductible so that helps. i just realized the new bumper brackets installed after the body lift are probably ruined, not sure how they will account for that when they do the repair. this might end up being a mess, we will see.

what i'd like to do is get a whole new off road bumper set up and to remove the plastic cladding on the side and get some rock sliders on there!

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yeah, that's what you should do. :thumbsup:

RLC's front bumper is 450.00 shipped to ya. I wonder how much a new stock bumper cost?

that sounds like a good deal and i've wanted to do that for awhile anyway.... i'll talk to the guy when he calls back tomorrow with the numbers and info and see what my options are. might have to go that route for sure!

That's not to bad at all but the tie rod end and rack and pinion might be bent or loose after a hit like that, I'd also check the hub assembly and control arms. You don't live too far from Stang5lgt do you, he builds sweet steel bumpers or have James build one from RLC.

Yeah, Josh can whip up a nice tube style bumper for you. If you want a different plate style bumper (instead of the RLC), the guy that built my bumpers does fantastic work. He's slightly closer to you than Josh. Either way though, you're probably looking at dropping the truck off with them for a couple days and then having to pick it up. It's somewhat of a hassle for me and they are both MUCH closer to me than you are to them.

The RLC is a great way to go if you're confident nothing got bent where it mounts. Josh or my guy will build it 100% custom fit. My stock rear bumper was questionable in that regard- plus I wanted it to match the front, so I went back to my guy.

Yeah, Josh can whip up a nice tube style bumper for you. If you want a different plate style bumper (instead of the RLC), the guy that built my bumpers does fantastic work. He's slightly closer to you than Josh. Either way though, you're probably looking at dropping the truck off with them for a couple days and then having to pick it up. It's somewhat of a hassle for me and they are both MUCH closer to me than you are to them.

The RLC is a great way to go if you're confident nothing got bent where it mounts. Josh or my guy will build it 100% custom fit. My stock rear bumper was questionable in that regard- plus I wanted it to match the front, so I went back to my guy.

oh yeah - i did contact him before about doing a re-gear for me... and yeah he is close. but the explorer is currently in kansas at the shop and i'm in colorado. i haven't signed off on them doing any repairs yet, just waiting to hear what all they found. i have a rental car right now (that isn't covered by my insurance, i dropped that coverage last year, dumb!) so just trying to figure out the best thing to do. the bumper mounts are currently bent for sure, i don't know about the actual frame rails or what not, i couldn't tell when i was looking at it. i've been debating getting a second car for awhile, might be time to do so and then i could leave the explorer wherever for as long as needed. its not drivable to colorado now unfortunately so i'll just have to see what they say.

maybe i can have them cover all the other damage except the bumper and cut me a check for the rest? not sure they would do that. this is my first insurance claim ever (knock on wood)!!!

That's not to bad at all but the tie rod end and rack and pinion might be bent or loose after a hit like that, I'd also check the hub assembly and control arms. You don't live too far from Stang5lgt do you, he builds sweet steel bumpers or have James build one from RLC.

i do think the lower control arm is bent just from me eyeballing it... and i just replaced all of that stuff last year. will the repair shop put the same aftermarket parts on or will they put on cheap crap? i'll have to ask the adjuster dude when he calls tomorrow. blah

Unless you specify all the parts you had on there then the insurance company will just replace them with oem parts instead of the upgraded aftermarkets stuff. You can have the insurance company separate the claim by shops, just tell them to leave the claim open. A custom front bumper will be a couple hundred dollars cheaper then an oem replacement, trust me I've priced parts after a couple accidents I had (none of which were my fault) LOL.

Unless you specify all the parts you had on there then the insurance company will just replace them with oem parts instead of the upgraded aftermarkets stuff. You can have the insurance company separate the claim by shops, just tell them to leave the claim open. A custom front bumper will be a couple hundred dollars cheaper then an oem replacement, trust me I've priced parts after a couple accidents I had (none of which were my fault) LOL.

I kind of figured that is what they would do... and it's at a ford dealership/repair place so they probably won't like that it's lifted, etc. oh well! I'll clarify everything with the adjuster when he calls today.

We got a ton of snow last night, and i really miss the explorer! i have a rental ford c-max hybrid and i'm pretty sure the snowdrift in my driveway is taller than the hood of the car :eek:

The estimate to get it fixed is about 3500 including labor, etc. I just opted for them to fix it all so I can get it up and running as fast as I can. With all the snow at my place I need it to get around. I will never take my explorer for granted again :). The rental car I had was terrible in the snow/on mountain roads. It won't be ready until Dec 17th at the earliest. Will be happy to get it back.

It only took a month (ha ha) but I finally got the truck back. Looks good as new for the most part, a few nitpicks here and there but I'm happy enough with it. Best part was they painted the front bumper cover all black, instead of the two tone factory grey lower trim color. I figured I'd have to use the krylon fusion again and do it myself but glad they did instead :thumbsup:
They even washed and waxed it for me :exp:

Now, deer stay the hell away from me!

ok we need new pics now .

last year this time the plow guy slide into the rear of my 2000 sport with the salt spreader .


they replaced the hatch with a used one from a junk yard and just sprayed it to match .why they didnt get new oem is anyone's guess. i think the tail lights were used too .not sure .but it came out looking good


ok we need new pics now .

last year this time the plow guy slide into the rear of my 2000 sport with the salt spreader .

yikes, i'm always scared of the plow drivers around here. glad you got it fixed up pretty easily! The ford dealership it was at was complaining about parts being hard to find, and kept delaying the repair. Pretty annoying.

I didn't take any new pics, looks just like before. I'll throw some up soon though when I get a chance.

Glad you finally got your rig back. Now you just need to stop doing that "Redneck Hunting". LOL.

Glad you finally got your rig back. Now you just need to stop doing that "Redneck Hunting". LOL.

haha for sure. i do love me some venison jerky though! needless to say, the drive back on i-70 through kansas i was scanning the ditch the entire time.

soooo i'm happy to have the truck back. not happy that my idle is kind of rough and almost pulsing when i'm going about 30mph, and my ABS light came on yesterday. Was off when I left to go home after work. Called Geico, going to try to take it to one of their "certified shops" or whatever they call it locally. What a pain. Also, it almost sounds/feels like it did before I replaced my wheel hub assembly last year. I would ASSume they checked all that, but wouldn't be surprised at this point.

I did buy a scangaugeII today from autozone on my lunch break, thought it would be a fun little tool. There was no code or anything from that ABS light yesterday, but I only played with it for like 5 minutes. My gas mileage has plummeted from what it was before I hit the deer. Something ain't right!

I wonder if the vacuum reservoir ball was cracked during the deer hunt. You might mention this to them. It is tucked up in the passenger fender area. The lines associated with it are rigid plastic and very brittle also.

I'd have the alignment re checked for sure. Good luck!

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I wonder if the vacuum reservoir ball was cracked during the deer hunt. You might mention this to them. It is tucked up in the passenger fender area. The lines associated with it are rigid plastic and very brittle also.

I'd have the alignment re checked for sure. Good luck!

They replaced all of that... First thing I noticed after I hit the deer. Tried to duct tape it all back to limp the rest of the way home ;) I have a feeling something wasn't hooked up properly, one of those vacuum lines perhaps. It's too dang cold or i would crawl under and have a look!
