Judgement Day Carnage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Judgement Day Carnage


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Tom (FAKRWEE) Rios, and I took a weekday fourwheeling break. Today we ran Judgement Day. When our Explorer group ran it last February it took 12+ hours to complete the trail due to a TON of carnage.

Today we did a bit better. It only took us 2 hours, but we produced a lot of carnage for just two trucks.

We started out by popping out Tom's window on a boulder:

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Right after that I busted a tie rod end in half

Next up was the waterfall. The waterfall favors long wheelbase rigs. I made it up on my own and Tom got up with a bit of help from his winch:

I hope you have glass coverage:)
Call Empire Glass :)

That is the week link on that steering system.
You have the beefed up hydralic's now you need to really beef up that tie rod.
What can you do to fix this?

Was there a bunch of water because of the rain?

We breezed through the rest of the trail, but when we hit the graded dirt road Tom called me on the CB to tell me my rear driveshaft was wobbling, Can't imagine why...

Then as I was crawling out from under my truck I glanced over at Toms rig and noticed his drag link was bent. That link is supposed to be straight!

Looks like it's time for a new driveshaft as well as a steering upgrade!

Well, the new D-shaft was put in on the spot. Now I need a new spare :D. I could use heims in the steering, but I don't think it would have made any difference since this broke in the threaded section, could have happened to a heim also. BTW, my TRE's were biggun's....

So all in all, looks like you guys had fun!:D

Originally posted by Rick
Well, the new D-shaft was put in on the spot. Now I need a new spare :D. I could use heims in the steering, but I don't think it would have made any difference since this broke in the threaded section, could have happened to a heim also. BTW, my TRE's were biggun's....

Don't give me that, there's always room for improvement in some way ;)

One last shot. Tom took this one.

Looks like you guys had some fun today, right on! That is a trail that my old stocker will never go on.

1ton chevy tie rods.. looks like a defect to me. Too bad I didn't load up and head down for this.

As for the rear window - you don't want to know what it costs. Get smoked lexan and put that in it.

$521 installed:eek: It will be installed Thursday morning before Tom heads back home :D

That is one mangled driveshaft! Why do I get the feeling that you both have enough spare parts to practically assemble another truck on the spot :)
Thats awsome, I wish we had some trails like that in Florida (and I had a truck worthy to tackel them).

That waterfall looks like :eek:!

Originally posted by Rick
$521 installed:eek: It will be installed Thursday morning before Tom heads back home :D

Holy cow, thats alot! would you happen to know how much a front windshield is for those of us that don't have glass coverage?

Originally posted by Rick
$521 installed:eek: It will be installed Thursday morning before Tom heads back home :D

Damn thats cheap. When I busted out that same window Wheeling I saw the bill that was being sent to the insurance company and the bill was 1200 plus for that stinkin window. But for me it was free. Gota love insurance. Oh yeah looks like you guys had some fun. I know I would have.

That's very cheap for that window.

Glad y'all had fun. It amazes me how many spare parts you take on the trail and what you're able to fix out there; but of course I understand why.

Rick, that driveshaft is probably due to you mostly running in 2-lo; but I know you do that just to see if I could do the obstacle ;)


Any more trail action pics?

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damn! Looks like fun :).
