just another SAS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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just another SAS

Well after many hours of locating chasing and attempting to dream up parts, I have everything but the steering for my axle.

I am going to be running a full width HP dana 44 from a 76 ford f-100 I am using Duff 3.5" coils with their new extreme travel shocks 15" of it. Just not sure where those long SOB's are going to fit yet. I will be using the f100 spring and shock mounts as they are only like an inch shorter than the f-250 towers I will be using an 88f150 8.8 to match width and bolt pattern plus get the bigger brakes
Gears are 5.13's, no-slip will still b in the rear and a lock rite in the front.

Today I pulled the roof rack and bars of to make it into the garage by a little over 3" and then pulled everything off the X, I have gotten so used to using the racks and NICE air tools and all that fancy Jazz at work I almost forgot how to turn wrenches by hand. But it all came out fairly easy and the worst part was the 11 rivets in the spring towers.

I took a few pictures of the mess afterwards, but will take more pics as I progress, hopefully out of the garage by the end of next weekend, knock on wood.

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well I found out the spring perches are cracked so there goes another $30.00 and then I went out and bought another 91 X for $4000.00 it is WAY clean and in great shape so I can still get my X fix while mine is down, but DAMN it is LOW!!!!

Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the D44, and what was the original gearing. I got a 76 F100 LB that is 2wd and I want to put a solid D44 out of a 4x4. On the spring perches, when you grinded them off, are you going to bolt the new ones back on, or rivet them on.

I swapped a motorcycle tire for it approx $75 and it had 3.08's, I will be bolting them on like they were on the F100

ok well I got the axle mounted it is 4" forward, radius arms, spring buckets, and tires are all on, but with the 3.5" coils the thing sits 2.5" lower in the front than in the rear with a SOA and warrior shackles, so I am selling my duff 3.5" coils and ordering some 5.5" coils, I took some pictures but I have to get the developed, should get them up monday or sund evening

This thing sounds like it's going to be HUGE! Looking forward to the pictures.

Marshall do you already have the 5.13's for the d44? I know someone selling a new set I could check on price if you like. they are for d44 HP

here's what he listed

5:13's for D44 HP.  2 miles on them.

why sell them well here's the rest its not matched to the rear

"5:13's for D44 HP. 2 miles on them.

5:29's for Toyota Tacoma V6 TRD or T100/Tundra. 486 miles.

If interested in either set please PM me for prices"

thanks but I already have that part done

Ok I just noticed he was selling them for $140 and I realized you were going to 5.13's.

pics finally

well I am slowly getting there, here are a few pics, all that is left is the trac bar, the drag link (waiting on CoryL) but not his fault, and the right side brake line, oh yeah and fab up some shock mounts


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with tires


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it is hard to see but the front is about 3" lower than the rear


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another angle


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and one of my new X


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Did you use the 3.5" Progressive coils from James Duff. I think I'm doing exactly what you are doing. So now I know what it will look like. Those are 35's right?

Originally posted by ahhjaws
Did you use the 3.5" Progressive coils from James Duff. I think I'm doing exactly what you are doing. So now I know what it will look like. Those are 35's right?
Yea, I think he is trying to sell those now.:(

The rig looks great Marshall!!!:D

Originally posted by Robb
Yea, I think he is trying to sell those now.:(

The rig looks great Marshall!!!:D

Selling them b/c their too short, would I still be able to use a coil spacer to get it level with the rear?

ok heres the scoop on the springs, I used everything for my swap from a 76 f-100, and with the 3.5" coils like everyone else has used, the truck was really low in the front compared to the rear with a SOA and warrior shackles, so I ordered some 5.5" coils, this took care of the leveling problem, but still did not explain why 3.5" works for everyone else but not me, so i did some checking and found out that the upper spring mounts are about 2 1/2 taller on the f-100 than the EB mounts that everyone has been using, so I finally figured it out,

as far as the stats so far, the axle is just over 4 inches forward from stock position, I am running 5.5" eb progressive coils from jeff's bronco graveyard, 5.13's with no/slip rear and lock right in front. the axles with stock 93 bronco wheels 15x7.5 with my 35's are about 2" wider each side than stock, I am using an 88 f-150 rear 8.8 to equal the width.

Yes ahjaws these springs would work fine for you, if you are interested in mine shoot me a pm, any other questions I will be glad to answer!

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Wow, that sounds like a cool setup. We'll have to do some trails sometime when I get mine done. I already have the 3.5" coils, I was just making sure they'd work. But you explained that. Thanks!!
