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just back from the dyno 285rwhp

the shift kit is about 90 dollars and their are some extra valve and stuff that cost about 25 bucks more. this is the best shift kit on the market I have used a bunch of other ones and they are just not the same. lentech is really good but I have not seen how well their new body work so I would recommend just the shift kit for right now. a built tranny ranges in price depending on what you want done just really good clutches and high po re build will cost a little over 2 grand I think without core. if you send your Trans to them it will be less. I will get you there number if you like. oh if any of your guys are in Miami just emails us when you will be here and we will hang out. it does not matter you don't have your truck with you. oh you guys have forgot about racing quad cam he has a nice V.E. too. my guess is that a race out end up being Troll 1st , Quondam 2nd, and it would be really close between Pure and Alec but most likely pur would win. we don't like any un necessary gauges to that make the truck look none stock.oh and the hood will cost i think around 800 but i am not sure.

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blk mk8:

where is the best place to order that shift kit from.

also how long does it take to install- thank you

do you think it will fix my tranny from slipping between shifts?

I just went down to the tranny place by me... the guy is supposed to build the best auto race trannys around. I asked how much is would cost to install a shift kit in my explorer??? he told me he WONT do it... because it will make it blow up.... so I asked about installing a HD tranny... he then says- NO cant do that either.... emmision laws wont allow it?????? what does that have to do with a tranny?

How is Quad Cams truck run with the shift kit.. how many miles does he have on it?

do your self a favor and don't listen to those guys I hate people like that. you can order it from me or from them directly it does not matter. Quad cams truck shifted good off the spray but soft when spraying the juice. I warned him to set it up for full firmness but he did not listen. you can install it your self don't worry about it and installing it wont be a problem. tell the jerk at the race tranny place that he is stupid. then tell him rebuilding the stock one with better parts has nothing to do with any legal stuff. give me his number and name and I will call him and chew him out I have nothing better to do monday. take it to the ford dealer for all I care to have it taken out and shipped to get rebuilt or just order the brand new one and have them swap it out.

Troll and blk mk8,
You guys are in Miami area? I am just across form you in Fort Myers. Would love to see your trucks at some point. Yeah - I am going up with my 4x4, but power is a must and I have no idea where to go or how much it will cost. My thoughts are a drivetrain out of an F150 - this way I'll get the tranny and axles as well. Anyhow - a bunch of us FL Explorer owners are starting a club - all Explorers - street or offroad if you guys are interested. From the sounds of it you guys have a lot more to offer than someone like me (but hey - I can do program the website ;) )


just let us know when you are going to be in the miami area. we will hang out and talk trucks. there are a couple of us here in miami like quad cam.
