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Just got back from Oil Change and found oil on floor


Well-Known Member
February 21, 2011
City, State
Frisco, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited
Drove the car back from the first oil change yesterday and just saw this at my garage floor

can any Ford service reps offer any assistance?

Bankston Ford of Frisco Texas

located the source of oil dripping at BOTH drain plug and oil filter

drain plug

oil filter

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Wow, they really suck!

I like the enamel on the floor, by the way. Did you do it yourself, or hire someone. Been thinking of doing that to our floor.

That does suck. what's worse is I just recently heard that dealers name in someone else's post, and it was not positive in any way.

my assistance would to be call the dealer u[p tell them to send somebody over, than they should put it on a flat deck, take it back to the shop and


all on their dime,, no charge to you

Sad when a dealership can't even change oil right. I was changing oil when I was eight.

Did you call them?

And were the filter and drain plug loose? Or did they spill a bunch of oil into the underpan and it was draining out?

I had an oil change place splash oil all over the undercarriage one time and it took a while for it to all work its way out.

This is the same dealer that you complained about in the Service Advisor thinks your an idiot thread. Why did you even go back there in the first place?

Yuuuuup. They would be done in my books. Look at it this way. Now you can ask for some free stuff. Ride em. Make sure to rate them and then let them know you did so. Then phone up Ford and give them a blast for having such a crappy dealership that provides sub par service and has staff that are beligerent and don't care what they say to customers. Then give them the employees name and tell them what he said to you. Things will change. As consumers we have to speak up. Coming on here is fine. If we don't follow up and tell people what's going on then nothing will change.

Looks like a decent amount of oil, my guess they will ask you to bring it back and they will make it right "Free of Charge". What you may get in return is un-sincere apology and offer for 1/2 off next oil change.... Regardless what you do, make sure the oil is topped off before driving. Off topic, Frisco is a beautiful place to live.

Wow, they really suck!

I like the enamel on the floor, by the way. Did you do it yourself, or hire someone. Been thinking of doing that to our floor.

yea I did all that myself. I just bought those at Home Depot and painted them myself before I move in the house.

Normally I change oil myself, but since I need to have other stuff done on the car, I just let them try it, Big mistakes...

This is the same dealer that you complained about in the Service Advisor thinks your an idiot thread. Why did you even go back there in the first place?

It is the same service appointment, which was Friday morning when I dropped the car off for oil change, A-pillar, and Rain noise

Looks like a decent amount of oil, my guess they will ask you to bring it back and they will make it right "Free of Charge". What you may get in return is un-sincere apology and offer for 1/2 off next oil change.... Regardless what you do, make sure the oil is topped off before driving. Off topic, Frisco is a beautiful place to live.

I think this is whats going to happen, I call them monday morning, they would say sorry please bring the car back and 'we' will fix it right. All they are going to do is over torque everything so that it doesn't drip anymore, top off any missing oil and give me the car back. totally waste another half of my day

my assistance would to be call the dealer u[p tell them to send somebody over, than they should put it on a flat deck, take it back to the shop and


all on their dime,, no charge to you

I'm sorry, didn't catch that, could you speak a little louder... :D

Ah ok...

$2 says the old oil filter gasket is still on there... Either way- for a leak that large, that's negligent.

Wow, that is a lot of oil!! I don't think they spilled it, as stated above, I'm thinking the oil filter. Either they left the old gasket on, didn't tighten it enough, or made it too tight and warped the filter/gasket.

yea I did all that myself. I just bought those at Home Depot and painted them myself before I move in the house.

Normally I change oil myself, but since I need to have other stuff done on the car, I just let them try it, Big mistakes...

It is the same service appointment, which was Friday morning when I dropped the car off for oil change, A-pillar, and Rain noise

I think this is whats going to happen, I call them monday morning, they would say sorry please bring the car back and 'we' will fix it right. All they are going to do is over torque everything so that it doesn't drip anymore, top off any missing oil and give me the car back. totally waste another half of my day

I agree with the previous poster. Make them send a flat bed out to get it. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable driving with that large a leak.

This is getting out of hand. I did read your other post and by now I would be livid at these guys. I mean, I thought (and still do) that all the complaints about stuff like "trim not lining up perfectly" or "carpets not attached perfectly under the seat" were dumb and pointless, but something like an oil change shouldn't be such a hassle. You are spending lots of money on an SUV, and shouldn't have to worry about oil leaks regardless of the cause. I agree that you should give 'em hell because both of your problems are unacceptable and you shouldn't have to drive a near 50k SUV leaking decent amounts of oil because of someone's negligence. Keep us informed of how this works out.

Before you start the vehicle up check the oil level. If its low do not start the vehicle. Have them send a flatbed as running the engine with low/no oil can cause fatal engine damage.

Before you start the vehicle up check the oil level. If its low do not start the vehicle. Have them send a flatbed as running the engine with low/no oil can cause fatal engine damage.

if the oil level is low you might have damaged the engine, think if what would have happened if you drove longer and not knowing about the oil leak. If someone else changes my oil I always check under the car for leaks and the dip stick for oil in the crankcase to be sure before driving off

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Did you get this taken care of?
