Late Summer Naches get together/run?? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Late Summer Naches get together/run??

Just talked to Kenny Ray. He is all liscensed up and ready to get back into wheeling again and wants to go with. He called me to let me know that he and a group from his neck of the woods were going to Naches Labor day weekend. I had to let him know about the fires and that he better rethink that one as we are. I told him once we get the location worked out, I would let him know.

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the fire is 2300+ acres now and is 1.3 miles from five fingers and it is heading towards the rocks to the east and also north.

Tillimook is looking like a good place to go, we may be needing a new place to recreate.

Yeah, that's gonna take out a lot of our most traveled and fun trails we take to the rocks:(:(:(

There is a guy who services our VFD air compressor at work who looks and talks just like Kenny Ray

Phil's on his way home now, so hopefully he'll chime in here in a day or two, but based on his texts he's liking TSF as well. Might be to far for some, but if I am willing to make the 280 + trip...

My vote is strongly for Browns Camp TSF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've stayed at Browns twice. Really nice campground. $10 a night and $2 a night xtra vehicle (trailered wheelin rig or camper does not count) is a bargain. You can park as many rigs in a site as will fit which is cool.

The last gas station (Shell) before Browns camp sells the $10 OHV permits and the station has free trail map. Permit only needed for trail rig and are good for 2 years. I called and ordered mine last summer and it arrived in 2 days no extra fees, still $10. They'll want make/model/VIN#


TSF/Browns Camp it is

From everything I've heard, there is going to be trails for everyone there.

Time for some research.

Kevin, I'm sure there will be a WallyWorld around Centrailia/Chehalis or Kelso we can stay at Thursday night. It will take us a long time to get through rush hour traffic.:(:thumbdwn:

There is a walmart at exit 79 which is the north end of Chehalis

There is a rest area close to the WA OR border that I was thinking of.

I recommend getting off at Kelso and heading down the Oregon side of the river. That keeps us out of city freeway driving and its 10 miles shorter.

Depending on our progress, we might just keep going.

What time would you except to be rolling through my parts of the woods?

What time would you except to be rolling through my parts of the woods?

Probably 8:30 - 9:00? Earlier if traffic isn't bad.

At that time there will be little traffic in Portland. It's been years but I think the road after kelso is really curvy as well. I'd rather go through Portland. I thnk

At that time there will be little traffic in Portland. It's been years but I think the road after kelso is really curvy as well. I'd rather go through Portland. I thnk

That is what I was thinking also

Yeah, I prefer the straight shot, two lane highways thru Portland. 5 to 405 to 26, then one lane on 6.

I've taken both routes. Taking the Longview cutoff is the way better way but since you'll be running in the dark who cares. Pulling a trailer? I don't remember it being all that curvy. Just the cool log truck driver behind me talking to us on the cb

All things said.........after dark with a trailer yah go through Portland. It just makes sense

Finally finished with camper and get it ready for next weekend.


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Looks great.

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