First Explorer! 1997 Sport 4WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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First Explorer! 1997 Sport 4WD

Gavin-Springfield, MO
Bought my first Sploder today for $1600!
1997 Sport
4.0 SOHC, Automatic, 4WD, leather, power sunroof, and is a Ford.
I'll have better, cleaned, daylight pics tomorrow :)
Looking at TT, 4 door leafs, AAL, and 31-33 inch tires. This will have to wait until I have the moolah ;)



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nice ex and good plans. i could be wrong with this but im pretty sure if you go to four door leafs you dont need AAL. unless you want to go higher but id imagine your ride would go to ****. just a suggestion maybe four door leafs and if you want more lift some warrior shackles. Like i said i could be wrong but id double check

nice ex and good plans. i could be wrong with this but im pretty sure if you go to four door leafs you dont need AAL. unless you want to go higher but id imagine your ride would go to ****. just a suggestion maybe four door leafs and if you want more lift some warrior shackles. Like i said i could be wrong but id double check

All depends on how much lift is wanted and how worn out the 4 door packs are. I went with 4 door packs, AAL and shackle.

Congrats on the purchase.

Thanks! I'll have those better pics up later :) I've got time to plan for my lift, I haz no money's currently, but will eventually

New Pics

Washed her up and took some pics (kind of) in the sun.



I was surprised that the sun cover was still there, and functioning.

I really wish I hadn't broken our carpet cleaner.

It had some custom work done at Creative Car Audio in Sedalia, MO, but the sub/amp/box/etc. is gone. Just some lonely wiring left in there :'(

Someone torched out the hole and stuck a ball in it.

I need some new fogs...

What feature was this for? Auto-dimming mirror?

I need some new bushings for the sway bar links, this is the worst of it but it should improve the ride a little when I do.

Seems to have decently new shocks, all 4 too.

Missing the handle for the recline function of the seat. And that rust is my main project for the time being (if I don't ignore it.)

The inside of driver rocker.

But it's a Ford. And it's MY Ford :D So I will give it the time it deserves!

All depends on how much lift is wanted and how worn out the 4 door packs are. I went with 4 door packs, AAL and shackle.

Congrats on the purchase.

Very true. I didn't even consider the wear on the springs.

The recliner handle should be an easy fix tho. I don't know how it's done but I know you can tie a rope in a certain way to replace the handle. Overall very very good purchase

congrads on the purchase

ahhh nice and clean. take care of that rust while youre waiting for some dough to roll in. only takes a few cans worth to keep it from spreading. oh yeah, and dont even bother tying a rope for the recliner, just go to your local pick n pull or whatever salvage yard is near you and find a 2nd gen explorer. then just pull the handle. shouldnt cost more than 5 bucks. good luck!

Yeah, I'm making a list for the junkyard :) I decided to replace all bushings that go woth the sway bar, the old ones are (probably 160k mile old) JUNK! I had to hacksaw one of the links off. I had to do this on my dad's '94 Dakota too, one of his links was completely gone. I'll have some comparison pics hopefully tomorrow. I'm also going to price tires this weekend sometime.

Well, no start today. I think it's the fuel pump/filter. No fuel pump noise when ignition is turned. Oh well, it won't be driven regularly until April...

I checked the relay and fuse, both are fine. After banging on the gas tank a little, I got a squirt of fuel to come out of the fuel valve. Nothing after this though. I'll probably replace the fuel filter, then fuel pump if that doesn't work.

Thats not a good way to start off ownership of a car, or saving up for mods!

Sounds like you are probably correct about the fuel pump. Good luck.

It's a terrible way to start off! I changed the fuel filter, and get pressure now off the schrader valve, but my battery is dead from trying to turn it over :( So I wait for the Dakota to come home, the Suburban is a pain in the butt to hook jumpers to. I did get tires priced though!


These would be excellent, but they're $220 a pop, and that's a good deal.


These are probably what I'll go for at $150 each. And that saves me... $280 for other stuff :p:

What size? My buddy has those dynopro ATMs and he loves them. I wanted a set but ended up getting firestone ATs for a steal at 110 a pop, couldn't pass up the deal.

The ones listed are 265/70/16s. I have to stick with stock leaf springs for a while, and that's what you (sport97) recommended :) My friend does know of a good Explorer junkyard in Purdy, MO, so I might pull some 4door leafs when I get a chance to go down there.

Gotcha. Yeah you should fit those in no problem stock, and will look fine with 1-2" lift.

Well, scratch the fuel pressure back. It's gone again. Weird... So no start today :(


YES!! Found out I had accidentally flipped an (aftermarket) fuel switch while touring my car. Nothing was wrong the entire time. I feel so happy, but at the same time a complete idiot!! All is well that ends well, though!



EDIT: See the top right switch? I was freaking out.

I wonder why someone would add something like that to the system. I guess paranoia about having your car stolen? Regardless, glad you got it figured out!

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You need to hit up a junkyard. You can snag a auto dimming mirror pretty cheap I bet, as well as the fog lights too. Too bad I JUST threw mine away a week or 2 ago, atleast I think I did, I will have to check for sure.
