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Lift Question

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I sure wish they had photos of what is included.

I'm not sure what they mean by:

2" Front Lift Upper Strut Spacers
4WD Stud Extenders

The '91 - '94 doesn't use struts so I'm not sure what they are supposedly spacing:dunno:

Same goes with the "4wd Stud Extenders". What the heck is that?

Seems kind of shady especially with no photos of the included parts.

I've seen "kits" like that.. They are coil spacers that go under the spring and worse yet is the stud extender.

The stock shocks use a stud on the top and they use basically a 1" long nut with a piece of threaded stock. They they are doing is extending the stud of the shock so the shock won't be so short that it doesn't reach once you put on the spacers.

I've never used a stud extender and I doubt I'd ever want to. I was bad enough when I put a few washers on top of the bottom upper shock bushing to push the top of the shock down some...

Now, back to the lift kit linked above.. They do NOT know what an explorer is.. Do NOT buy this lift kit...

The key to my sentiment is when they say
(2x) 2" Rear Lift Blocks
- (4x) Extended U-Bolts

That is in addition to stud spacers...

You don't lift explorers by using lift blocks, the explorer is spring under and if anything, lift blocks will lower the frame.

Best, inexpensive lift kit is going to be f-150 spring seats (spacers) and AAL for the rear. If the suspension has quite a few miles on it then 2" spacers up front and AAL and possibly shackles in the rear will still be alignable. You don't "need" new shocks up front, but I would do it.. The rear shocks are fine with 2.5" or less lift.


Edit: I found a picture of a stud extender that is 1 piece. I've seen them 2 piece too.

So what year f-150 do the coil spacers work?

I always forget what year they come from..

BUT, when I'm at the yard I look at 87-96 2wd f-150s. There are a couple styles out there and I think one set of years it's the crew caps that have the right one and other years its the standard cab.

As for the ebay one.. I don't know.. They might be too tall AND you will not use the stud extenders anyway.

The f-150 spring seats are only 1 5/8" tall and get you just under 2" of lift. If those spacers you linked to are like the daystar ones I think they are actually 2" tall which will give you more than 2" of lift (this is a TTB suspension, not a straight axle with coil springs which would only get 2" of lift out of a 2" spacer).

Some people have even welded together a pile o washers to make their own spacers

Hopefully that helps clear up the mud a little...


I went with the washer option that Maniak just mentioned for my lift. Rear got an SOA, so to match for the front I went with 4" coils and welded together my own 1" spacers...


Washers came from the local hardware store...large enough hole to go over the RA stud and wide enough to be the same size as the coil seat. Threw four beads on each, primed and painted them and then threw them on the truck.


You can kinda see them there under the coils (they're blue). $20 for the 10 washers, but you could probably get a better price buying a box ($30 maybe?)
