Lifted '98 finally with brushquard and skidplate!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted '98 finally with brushquard and skidplate!!

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Finally installed my skidplate and brushguard and taillight guards. Still not done though.


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Here's another.


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    picture 073.jpg
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Wow what ride, that is the best 2 door i've seen yet.:D

Looks nice! I have the XTerrains too and love them. Though our truck do look a bit different: you have 7" of lift and 33s, I have 2.25" of lift and 33s :D

But kudos to you for a great looking rig!

And another.


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    picture 072.jpg
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Thanks a lot guys!!!
Alec...The tires are actually Baja Claws. I was thinking about buying the Xterrains next. These seem to wear a bit faster than the Xterrains are said to wear. Thanks again, Eric

wow, that thing's a monster!...for a 2 door ;)

whats up with your avatar, though? it looks like youre driving out of a sewer pipe into a cesspool, heh.

NICE truck, man :D

Originally posted by tbomb
wow, that thing's a monster!...for a 2 door ;)

whats up with your avatar, though? it looks like youre driving out of a sewer pipe into a cesspool, heh.

NICE truck, man :D

That's the pipes at attica!


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They're Twins! ;)

Very nice truck Sherwood.

I have this voice in my head, and it keeps saying................................................35s!

Nice Rig!


Hey Sherwood,

How does your rig ride on the street and offroad?

I want mine like that!:D

What did you do to get that brush guard to fit so nicely with the BL. If ou could get any pics of the fab work on that it would be greatly appreciated. Nice truck too

Thanks for the compliments guys. Its really nice to here it all.
As far as the avatar, Taxxman2k is right, its at the pipes in Attica, Indiana.
As far as the 35"s, they wont fit as far as rubbing is concerned without some major cutting of the fender wells. As long as the bank is my lienholder, I wont be doing much of that. Just like Stadx says, its our daily driver and we dont want to destroy what we are paying on just yet.
Jobunn....I have in fact compromised a little comfort for the style as far as the on road drivability is concerned. Off road, I would like a little stiffer shock than Trailmaster offers. It bounces a little too much. I'm thinking about putting on some Rancho 9000's like Stadx did on his rig.
Rx4phun.....I had to drop the grillguard's brackets alltogether and bolt the grillguard to the frame directly. That, in my eyes, wasnt the prettiest thing I seen underneath. But, the finished product outside is pretty good. Had to cut into the plastic under the bumper a bit as well as the bumper itself when I did the body lift before. I can get some pics up as soon as I can but like I said, its just bolted straight to the frame. Its a lot stronger than bolting it to the brackets. Thanks again.
I have this forum to thank the most for all the info in making the finished product. Without it, I would have spent a lot more in trial and error to get to where its at now. Stadx is the one who I got most my ideas from. Thank you brother!! Eric

did you use the 4 inch springs for the rear or SOA. also did you crank up the torsion bars for 4+inches or is it sitting at 4

did you use the 4 inch springs for the rear or SOA. also did you crank up the torsion bars for 4+inches or is it sitting at 4

No, I used the Trailmaster leaf springs that came with the lift kit and no, I did not crank up the torsions at all. I figure that there is plenty of lift there right now. I pretty much spent a load on this truck right now so, to do a SOA or any conversion like it, it wouldnt do me any good because I dont do any hard core offroading to warrant anything like that. Thanks for looking and asking. Eric

What did you use and dimensions for the skid plate. That's next on the list...

How did you bolt the skid plate ????

What did you use and dimensions for the skid plate. That's next on the list.

I used 1/8 " aluminum diamond plate. I went that thin because that is all they had and he gave me a good deal on it. Besides, its really only for show. I wont be using it for rock crawling. I wanted to cover up the nasty looking front end after the lift. I then used 1" corner steal to strengthen it and bracket it up to the frame. The skid plate is 261/2" wide by 221/2" from top to bottom not including the 3 more inches under the front crossmember.

How did you bolt the skid plate ????

I bolted it to the bottom of the front crossmember where they already had a few small holes drilled. I then cut the 1" corner steal that I had and bolted it on the plate for rigidity and then bolted corner steal to that to the bolts that ran through the frame to hold on the brushguard. Then to touch it all off, I painted it black to look good and help prevent rust. Thanks for looking and asking, Eric

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Looks Great!! All she needs is some dirt on her!!!!

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