Lifted mazda mpv | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted mazda mpv


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August 27, 2004
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92 XLT
Anyone ever lift a mazda mpv? i was thinkin what that would look like all beefed out

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isn't a mazda mpv a van?

Here's a pic, and yes it's mine


  • mazdampv.jpg
    40.8 KB · Views: 43,693

you gotta do something with the fenders. what did u do?

my friend has an mpv and i was trying to convince him to lift it...

I might have got an MPV if I didn't get an Explorer. Sure it's a van, but rear wheel drive, 4 wheel drive with low range, and no sliding door. Can't go wrong ;)

Guys, I'm joking. That pic was posted in the Fun Hump Day thread a day before this pic was posted. I thought it was ironic that the day after the pic showed up, someone asked about one :p

i have always wanted to do that

I was gonna reply with "your never going to find a lifted pic of a mazda MPV" and then i scrolled down and pee'd my pants.

I wonder what frame they put the body on? Someone here could buy a MPV, take the body off their explorer, and put the MPV body on the explorer frame.

Acually I'm the one who took the picture :rolleyes: For Real!

I see it almost everyday on the way home. Some guy at a carwash owns it I think. The first time I saw it I could not belive it :eek: The front looks like it is all home made lift from what I've seen. The rear is running a solid axle (which may be stock) with coils behind it. I think there are only 31's on it.

clarkkent said:
I was gonna reply with "your never going to find a lifted pic of a mazda MPV" and then i scrolled down and pee'd my pants.

You crapped your pants in the screaming person video thread...they must be a real mess now!!! :D

no, i changed my pants after the screaming person thread, then i saw this thread... and now i have to change my pants again. hehe

i dont know i kinda like it. as you guys may recall a few years back there was an econoline that did the rubicon no prob.

come on guys, for a minivan that's pretty sweet

"Pimp my van" I like it. I'd do that to a van. You would have to admit, you don't see something like that everyday. Is it true, it has 4LO?

Hey dont laugh imgetting ready to lift my 96 mpv lx and it is a common suspension package but will take some cztalog number matching, wish me luck going for funtional 35" tires so im gonna dont custom bumpers and exo-skeleton andont some cutting
gonna be fun

I usually dislike opening "dead" threads.. BUT as a Mazda MPV owner, first off NO FORD product will fit on a classic Mazda chassis. Prior to 2000 the MPV was 100% Mazda and NOT Ford, now granted they do have a 3.0L V6, but it isn't the same as the Ford V6. The First Generation MPV's also had the Mazda 2.6L i4 with a 5spd manual.

As much as I would love to spend at minimum $10,000 to have my MPV custom lifted, there is zero lift kits on the market for the MPV, with spacers the best you can get is 1", and that 1" is putting tremendous amounts of stress on the front drive shafts..

But hey, for a Mini Van that has automatic front locking diff, with a high/low gear range... I laugh at the rednecks who disbelieve that I drove to where they are in my minivan..

Here are some pictures of my 92:

I call my van the Billy goat, cause it goes anywhere I point her..

This road was ugly, I didn't want to go back down it.. going up was a dead end

A day at the lake with the Pontoon boats

one 11'5 Pontoon boat on the roof, PLUS a a 10' Pontoon Boat inside the van.

I know everyone hates a thread being resurrected(for a third time), but i hate disinformation even more, and this thread still pops up on google searches.

$10k is nowhere near an accurate price to "custom" lift your mpv, much less any other car. Sure you could spend that much, or 10 times that much if you wanted, but $10,000 minimum is ridiculous. My neighbor put 4x4 toyota drive train under his Geo tracker in a weekend for less than $500. For $10k you could put unimog axles under it and have money left over.

As for axle stress, lift will not put much stress on your axles until it creates more angel than your cvjoint can handle, however the bigger tires that come after the lift will put stress on your axles>transfer case>torque converter depending on the size. Either way axle problems can be solved by having some made, buying a close match and have them re-splined at machine shop, or maybe just a different manufacturer, not all axles are equal just because they fit the same vehicle, and more often than not aftermarket axles don't compare to oem. Aftermarket axles usually use larger but fewer balls in the joints which makes for bigger gaps in between the ballbearings and leads to bind-up at less angle. An oem or a re-spline would be fairly cheap, even having a set made for you would only cost double, maybe triple the stock axle would cost and if you didn't abuse it might last 2 or 3 times longer. Do a bit of research and find a vehicle that has springs that will work to give you the lift you want, and head to the junkyard. Custom axles, junkyard springs, maybe have machine shop fab you tower spacers, could even go crazy and have panhard remounted and your still under $1000.

Also the mpv has a push button electronic center differential lock, 50/50 front/rear, not an "automatic front locking diff", and the mpv does not have hi/lo range, it does have a hold button allowing you to maintain the selected gear independent of vehicle speed and rpm.

So if you have an mpv, lift it, as long as you don't need a bolt on kit with step by step instructions then it is perfectly feasible to do on a modest budget.

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1995 Mazda MPV

I have a 1995 Mazda MPV and I was wondering how i would go about lifting it? I want to spend as little money as possible. Are there ways to do it? Would it be possible to put longer coils on it? Can I weld two strut mounting plates together and put the factory strut on that? I need all the help i can get!!! Any suggestions will help!!!
