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Light lense tinting

Never thought about doing the 3rd brake light, I might give it a try.

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did you take the lights out to paint them?

forgot to tell you, your tail lights look awesome.

Didnt want you to think I was knockin on ya there


Originally posted by psychotic
did you take the lights out to paint them?

Yes, it's too easy not to. Just take out the two screws and pull.

Now That Looks 100% Better!!! Congrats you now have a truely Phat ride! get that thing shined up with some shiney **** on those tires to we can see it bling blingin!!!

Originally posted by ChuckyD
Now That Looks 100% Better!!! Congrats you now have a truely Phat ride! get that thing shined up with some shiney **** on those tires to we can see it bling blingin!!!

When I took that pic today, it had just finished raining. I usually have the truck looking really good, but I have to combat the rain all week this week. :(

looks awesome! and my first thought too was do the 3rd brake light as well, itll look complete that way. you gotta put up more pics with your car clean... to show off how truley clean it makes the back look. good job!

i gotta agree- do the 3rd brake light.

Originally posted by STANN
looks bad ass...
how do you think that would look on a white explorer? i am going for the all white theme but had black outs on for awhile...i'm kinda feelin that the tint would clash now that i've painted all the body trim...

STANN this is 4 coats of Night Shades, painted on just over a year ago.


Originally posted by Hartman

When I took that pic today, it had just finished raining. I usually have the truck looking really good, but I have to combat the rain all week this week. :(

LOL, Kool
I also agree about the brake light thing!

You might want to clear over the smoke so they are shiny and less likely to scratch the black off. Looks really good, I am still waiting on my smoke from streetbeatcustomscom

I will have pics up as soon as possiable.

I thought about putting some clear over it today while bored at school! I'm gonna give that a try as well. What's taking Street Beat so long to get your smoke shipped?

yomie- the po-po ever give you crap about that?

I called the other day and they said that they were waiting on one bulb. I ordered a few things and they were short one bulb and was waiting for it. I said Please ship what you have and I will just wait for the one bulb. So my tracking shows it should be here on the 16th.

I just wanna say Hartman that I am loving your truck more and more everyday. Please do me a favor though... Put your emergency brakes, reverse lights and brakes on at the same time and take a night picture for us please. I would like to see how it looks at night Please. (I am very interested in doing it!)

Originally posted by STANN
yomie- the po-po ever give you crap about that?

Never. I live in Louisville, KY but i'm from Biloxi, MS so i'm back and forth between thoes two points alot, i go to Indianapolis alot and i travel everywhere. I have never gotten any slack about them.

Ok- thats good. I got stopped the other day for speeding and while the cop was on a roll, he gave me hell about the blackouts I had on.
So it looks like its time to order some of that spray...

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