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Looking for Help with OD Question


New Member
October 1, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98' Sport
Hi..new member to the Forum, new Explorer Sport ('98) with low miles on it (42K). Drove it off the lot on Saturday, my husband drove it to work yesterday (about 80 miles round trip).

He said he was trying out all the stuff, and turned the OD on and off at highway speed. He said the engine light came on at that point. Is this something that can be fixed and avoid taking it back to the dealership? Or would you recommend taking it back and having it looked at?

I think my question is: Is this a common problem?



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I think if you give us some more info and details we might be able to give you a good answer.

Oh, and welcome to the board.

Thanks very much! Being new to the board and being a 'not-mechanic', could you tell me what other specifics you would need to help determine a problem?

I appreciate any help you can offer, and thanks for the welcome!


Did the OD engage and disengage. Did the sensor light stay on. Is the Check engine light still on. Is there any noticeable problems (noise, acceleration etc.)

Which engine light? I am assuming you mean the "Check Engine" light, but I suppose there is the possiblity that you are talking about the "OD Off" light. If you are talking about the "OD Off" light then this is normal when you turn off the OD. Somehow I don't think that is what you are asking though, In that case, did the transmission downshift out of OD when he pressed the button? If not, then the problem lies in the transmission. If it shifted out of OD and the Check Engine light came on at the same time or shortly after, then my guess is that it is probably an O2 sensor that has reached its limits. When he took it out of OD, it raised the engine RPMs. When you have an O2 sensor that is at the end of its limits, any small change like that can throw it out. If it goes outside of its limits, it will turn on your Check Engine light. I was monitoring mine one day with my scanner. At idle all four appeared to work normally. However when I increased my engine speed up to about 3000 RPM one of my sensors took a lot longer to react than my other three. It wasn't enough to set off my Check Engine light, but at least I am aware that it could go at any time.

Did the light ever go back off? If it did, can your husband repeat it? If the light is still on or he can repeat it I would suggest taking it back to the dealer and have them look at it since it is not likely something you can fix without the right tools and correct diagnostic information. Hopefully you are under warranty.


Thank you so much! This is what I needed to know. It was the 'check engine' light, not the 'OD off' light...and it went off when he increased speed, so your temporary diagnosis of an oxygen sensor is probably the case (let's keep our fingers crossed).

BETTER than still being under warranty, I haven't finalized dealership paperwork yet..<EVIL GRIN>, so we WILL make sure it's fixed.

Thanks again for your generosity in answering my question.


Follow-up to this, in case it helps anyone else...the gas cap was not all the way on. When the dealership filled it up prior to delivery, they broke the threads on the 'stock' cap, causing it to be loose.

The sensor sensed it, and turned the light on. The owner's manual mentions this problem. We went out and bought a new gascap ($7), two starts later (as mentioned in the manual) the light went off.

Hope this helps somebody!


Doesnt sound like a very good dealership if they cant spring for a gas cap !!Larry

I don't think anyone was aware it was broken until the engine light problem. They are actually a really great dealership, and I never thought I'd say that in a million years about one!

I didn't ask them for a new gascap, because knowing dealerships, if I had taken it in to get a new one, they would have kept it for a week telling me they couldn't find the part..:)


I'm glad it was a cheap and easy fix. Sorry about being late, but welcome to the board!
