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Luggage area light


June 10, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Sydney NSW
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
Hi, the luggage area light is staying on all the time, does anyone know where its controlled from? I cant see any switches near the tailgate recess...


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Hi, the luggage area light is staying on all the time, does anyone know where its controlled from? I cant see any switches near the tailgate recess...


On mine, all of the roof lights (front seat, rear seat, cargo area) go on and off together when any door or the tailgate/window is opened or closed. Don't know why just the cargo area would come on by itself.

Aah ok must be a fault somewhere ,might just have to pull the bulb...thanks

Aah ok must be a fault somewhere ,might just have to pull the bulb...thanks

Check this site out for wiring diagrams:
Auto - Online Repair Info
ID: rrcc
PW: rebsco
Select: Auto Repair Reference Center
Fill in: Find Your Vehicle
Follow prompts down to Wiring Diagrams.

Looks like the GEM operates an "interior light relay" that puts 12V on a couple of black/lt blue wires to the overhead lights and door courtesy lights. The GEM is what provides the delay to the interior lights, leaving them on after the doors are closed until you either start the vehicle or it times out. Really strange that ONLY that light stays on - though both the front and rear seat overhead lights have switches to turn them off so they don't come on when the door is open while the cargo light does not.

Thanks for the link Ill have a look, yeah the wife says it eventually does go out, ( I dont use it much) but it is a bit strange...

Thats a good you said its hard to see why that light alone is staying on looking at tbe diagram, I'm wondering if its getting a small backfeed from somewhere, maybe there's a bad earth somewhere and as its such a low wattage bulb....


Thats a good you said its hard to see why that light alone is staying on looking at tbe diagram, I'm wondering if its getting a small backfeed from somewhere, maybe there's a bad earth somewhere and as its such a low wattage bulb....


Check and see if the front and rear seat lights that are supposed to come on when the door is opened have the switches turned off. If they do, and with the switches turned on all of the overhead lights are staying on until the timeout, then I would bet it's a problem with the GEM.

Sorry I've taken so long to reply, I'm going to have another look now...
