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Matt Adams

Stephen S

Explorer Addict
November 21, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 XLT Ironman

I know I'm not the only person satisfied after doing business with mattadams. He was quick about answering emails and provided any information I needed to make my purchase. I purchased a set of PIAA 1500XT driving lights and a set of PIAA 520 SMR fog lights from him during the PIAA Group Purchase - Round 2. His prices on both items were better than anywhere I'd found (due to the group purchase he organized) and upon receiving my payment, he shipped promptly. I recieved my light sets soon after, and undamaged (they were VERY well packaged).

I will do business with him again!!

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ok I know I have sold several hundred items to board members, from t-shirts to PIAA lights, etc. but no feedback for me, what gives? :) Lets hear it!

actually - i've read a few praises of your services, but unfortunatley they are are normally imbedded in a thread.

Matt's the MAN! He is responsible for putting all of our T-shirt deals together and has done a great job in getting a concensus for their layout and design. Most importantly he runs a mail order biz WAY better than I do;)

Thanks Matt!!

Thanks for doing such a fine job on the shirts Matt. If everything I bought went this well...I could stop drinking!:chug:

because your good enough, smart enough,
and gosh darn it :
people like you ;)

Okay now how is it that a moderator can't even follow the instructions for this forum!!! If you'd just look below your name is ALREADY down there...

I have purchased some PIAA bulbs from Matt on 2 different occasions, and both time Matt was great, fast delievery, and product was Exactly as described....

my mommy has always' said, if you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all. :p

Good at shipping and setting up deals. Too bad he has a thing for lesbo singers.

He even stays up until 10 o'clock when you're coming to pick up your PIAA wipers and you have a flat on the way down there!! Thanks Matt, great service with the shirts too...

Yeah, love my t-shirt.

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