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michelin cross terrains

has anyone heard of these things. i looked them up on the michelin website and they sound pretty good. they are said to be designed specifically for an suv, whatever that means. they also look pretty good. i am about to get new tires and was wondering if anyone has some of these or knew anything about them.

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Grant, first off, I love your name ;)

I also looked at those on the Michelin site, and I wasnt impressed at all. I dont think Michelin is trying very hard at all terrain tires, I believe they are biased more towards road tires. And if they have a whole section of their website dedicated to these one tires, you'll pay out the ass for them. Save some money and go with BFG's or Goodyears. "Designed specifically for your SUV", pppfttttt! If you frequently drive your Explorer in your yard they'd make good tires, yeah. I'm not trying to knock Michelin, because they do make good tires, but they lack in All Terrain tires. The tread pattern is totally wrong for off-road use if you occasionally go camping and see some light mud or snow, but for a progressing level of offroading, I wouldnt recommend them. Save sme time, money, and trouble, and look into BFG AT KO's or Goodyear AT/S.

thanks for the advice. i have been wanting some bfg at ko's anyway i am just worried about a bad ride quality. anyway, do you know if a 275/70 tire of any sort would fit on stock 16" wheels. i am not sure how wide they are. i want some wide tires to fill out the fender flares.

You might want to try a 275/75 tire. I just got a new set of BFG T/A tires size 255/70 tires and they were about 1/3 of an inch away from not fitting. I am sure you could do some minor trimming and make them fit, but if not go with the 275/75 tire. Depending on what size tires you already have it will be wider. I use to run 225/70R/15 tires which fit very comfortably in the wheel well, but now with the new 255/70R/15 tires they all stick out at least 1/4 of an inch.

The ride is hardly any different from the Firestones, occasionally I feel a difference, they ride smoother than before. They do real good in all sorts of conditions, although we havent gotten a chance to really push them to their limit. They're alot of fun in snow too ;) I'm a total moron when it comes to tire sizes, but I guess you could think of wheel spacers, but skinny tires spaced way out would look kinda geeky. Theres alot of people on the board who really know their tire sizes, and I'm not one of them :D

Well bud BFG is a part of michelin so to say that michelin doesnt make all terrain tires you are a little off. But yes i would suggest getting BFG AT/Ko's, i think they are the consensus no.1 tire over here and the price isnt too shabby either.

Yeah I forgot that they merged with Michelin or whatever. What I meant was that the actual Michelin company by itself isnt trying too hard for all terrain tires, but BFG is.

GO with some ProComps. 4wheelparts.com is haviong a buy 3 get 1 free sale and it ends at the end of the year. They have 31's 33's and 35's and they also have metric sizes and tires available for 16 and 17" rims. I have the 31" MTs and love them. Don't see any sign of wear yet after 6 months, and they are great offroad and on road. But they also have an AT model, if thats what you want. BUt you could get all 4 for about $350 w/ shipping. Thats what I got them for at least.
