Michelin SUV Cross Terrain Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Michelin SUV Cross Terrain Tires

I just ordered a set of 255/70/16 Michelin SUV Cross Terrain tires for my Explorer. I know these are a new tire but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with these tires? I went with this tire because I really don't do any off roading in my Explorer and I am looking for a better ride over these awfull Michigan roads. I plan to get new shocks (i.e., Edelbrock) also and would like to get your input on these or any other shock that you would recomend for a better ride than oem!

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Welcome to the best Explorer site on the net!

I don't know anything about the Michelin SUV Cross Terrain tires except that they are coming on the 2002 Ford Explorer as OEM tires.

I would like to let you know that there is a suggested rule that your Signature be kept to a max of 6 lines. I see that yours is 26 lines long. 20 over the suggested limit. I suggest that you make a web page or even write all your Mod's up in a Registry post, and provide a link in your signature to your Registry showing all your mods. Take a look at mine and you should be able to see what I mean.

One more thing, posting duplicate messages is not needed. Everybody here reads all the threads so they will see your post.

Also I noticed that we have similar trucks. Mine is also a 1997 Sport, but I have the OHV Engine, and Auto Tranny. What Color is yours? Mine is Willow Green.

[Edited by CBoug76 on 01-25-2001 at 08:49 AM]

Thanks for the info I will cut my Mod list down! As for the duoble post I do apologize!

Thanks again,


My SUV Cross Terrain tires still havn't come in yet! I assume that due to the Firestone tire recall all of the tires for Explorers are going to be back ordered for a while! If any one is privy to any inside info on the Michelin SUV Cross Terrain tires availability let me in on the scoop!



Concerning your question about the edelbrock shocks. I have them on my 1995 4 door xlt. I can't say enough about them. They made a night and day difference in the way the car handles and rides. The stock explorer's suspension is soo soft that it leans a lot and throws you around on uneven surfaces, but these shocks make most of that go away. The body roll is reduced signifigantly, and the side to side rocking on bumps is pretty much gone. I can't recommend any other shock but this one. You won't be sorry.

Thanks Rob

Not a problem, glad I could help.

Oh yea my truck is RED with GREY fender covers!

Michelin SUV Cross Terrain Tires Still NOT IN YET!

I am still waiting for my Michelin 255/70/16 SUV Cross Terrain tires!

I can't answer the question about the Cross Terrains either, but if they are even half as good as the Michelins I put on, you won't be disappointed. Bare rims perform better than any Crapstone tire. I LOVE my Michelins!
