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Military hummer tires

I just purchased dana 60 dually hubs so i can run hummer military bead lock rims. (I'm purchasing the 8 bolt rims) Now i priced out some super swamper's and it came to a grand with shipping. Now obviously, spending a grand on tires sucks. I ran across a seller on ebay selling new, not retreaded hummer tires. For 360 shipped to my door that sounds like a better deal, and they were made to be on the hummer rims. Ive looked into buying a tire groover to cut out some tread voids in the rubber Is there any problems with running this tire? Any help would mean a lot to me, thanks.


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I'm not so sure how well those tires are going to do offroad. They have a hard tread compound and I've seen plenty of stuck HMMWVs. You'd definitely want to cut them up pretty good to get those most of them like others have recommended. But for 360 bucks even if they don't really work the way you want you're not out a whole lot of money. To give you some sort of idea how these tires are, almost all the SF guys I saw in Afghanistan where running Swampers on thier HMMWVs.

I read about that tire trial somewhere. Do you know how they like them?

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My question is why run the d60 hubs to match the 8lug pattern? They're still going to have an extremely deep backspacing? I plan to have them recentered on 5x5.5 for the bronco...

Just curious..

My question is why run the d60 hubs to match the 8lug pattern? They're still going to have an extremely deep backspacing? I plan to have them recentered on 5x5.5 for the bronco...

Just curious..

?? i dont understand your question. I already have a dana 60 with SRW hubs. The reason i got the dually hubs is so i dont have to buy a spacer or have to cut the exhisting tie rod mounts on the knuckles and to protect the hubs from rocks, mud and ther things on the trail. The back spacing would be 3.5-4" when all is said and done, right where i need to be. For the rear im looking at a dana 70 hd that matches the width of the DRW 60.

so why 36" if you have a 60 go at least 37 or 38 just for that extra chunk room....

so why 36" if you have a 60 go at least 37 or 38 just for that extra chunk room....

green, thats why. Near the end of the summer i would buy new tires that are 38's or bigger. I'm defiantly liking the IROKS.

update though on the situation. I found a guy in Texas that has 4 rims with the magnesium run flats (oh well), tires with 70% tread on them, shipped to my house for $300. I'm going to buy these.

I got ya... for some reason, I was under the impression that you were trying d60 outers on a d44, just to fit these rims.. Nevermind.

I got ya... for some reason, I was under the impression that you were trying d60 outers on a d44, just to fit these rims.. Nevermind.

oh no haha.

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