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Moab 2013 - May 10-12

Which weekend is best? (May 10-12 is best for me)

  • Weekend of May 10-12

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Weekend of May 17-20

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
Ive got a fever, and the only thing that will cure it, is not moar cowbell, its moar Moab!


We will have all day Thur to run trails, and would love to hook up with some of you that will be out there willing to ride as well. Let me know who wants to plan on doing this please. Thanks! :)

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Ive got a fever, and the only thing that will cure it, is not moar cowbell, its moar Moab!

We will have all day Thur to run trails, and would love to hook up with some of you that will be out there willing to ride as well. Let me know who wants to plan on doing this please. Thanks! :)

Us Washington guys will certainly be running a trail Thursday but we haven't even started talking about any trails yet. We have Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur-Fir-Sat-Sun to find trails for.

I know there's a couple I want to do but no plans just yet.

Im still not 100 percent sure when im gonna be able to leave. If the GF gets monday off we will try to leave early tuesday which will put us there late wednesday or thursday morning. If i get enough sleep i will be up to run a few trails. I do wanna check out Arches or Canyonlands, but from what i understand you can drive through some of the parks as well.

Let me know whats up the closer we get Phil. :thumbsup:

You can drive thru the parks, and park at certain attractions. There are walking trails that lead to them, some very close, some a few miles away. Most can be seen by road. It takes hours to see everything, even by road. Plan on spending a good amount of time there.

Wed is the day were spending at at the parks.We plan on hiking the longer trails by foot, to get up close and take some good pics of the arches with us in them for keepsakes. :)

I know Thursday myself and a couple of guys from the Salt Lake valley are planning on doing the Long Canyon - Shafer Trail loop. If there is anyone who would like to join you are more than welcome!

I know Thursday myself and a couple of guys from the Salt Lake valley are planning on doing the Long Canyon - Shafer Trail loop. If there is anyone who would like to join you are more than welcome!


Also, on the off chance anyone is going to Canyonlands April 11-14, I will be down there camping :D The Plan = Elephant Hill or Bust! This will be my second time to Canyonlands, but first time off highway other than a short stretch of WhiteRim

Lockhart Basin to Moab is nice too.

Im down to an unlikely maybe at this point. The GF found out this morning that she has uteran (SP?) cancer. Depending on how invasive the surgery is and how long she needs to recover Im probably not gonna have the vacation time available.

Also, on the off chance anyone is going to Canyonlands April 11-14, I will be down there camping :D The Plan = Elephant Hill or Bust! This will be my second time to Canyonlands, but first time off highway other than a short stretch of WhiteRim

Elephant hill sounds like a plan,would love to take the wife(see flag above)over it. I had a blast on 09 doing it.:D

Im down to an unlikely maybe at this point. The GF found out this morning that she has uteran (SP?) cancer. Depending on how invasive the surgery is and how long she needs to recover Im probably not gonna have the vacation time available.

Sorry to hear. At least it was detected and she is getting treatment. That's a good thing. ;)

Health before all else. Good luck & God bless.

2 questions;

Who will be in Moab ready to run a trail the morning of May 8th besides the WA guys and Gmanpaint?

Who is determined to run Pritchett Canyon (likely on Saturday)
Diff Whack Daddy
James T

Looks like I'm going to make it this year too! The Explorer is under the knife for a few little mods but it looks like I should be up and running soon. I plan on arriving on Sunday and staying in Canyonlands Campground. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

I would run Pritchett if someone would tow the Black Hole out there for me! :D

If i could, i would. Unfortunately the deisel blew a head gasket so if i do make it i cant use the big trailer

Looks like I'm going to make it this year too! The Explorer is under the knife for a few little mods but it looks like I should be up and running soon. I plan on arriving on Sunday and staying in Canyonlands Campground. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Super awesome Allen. Can't wait to see what you've done this time.

The Sunday arrival I assume is May 5th?? so you'll be running with us Washington guys early in the week?

Definately in for Pritchett. :chug:

Looks like I'm going to make it this year too! I plan on arriving on Sunday and staying in Canyonlands Campground. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Allen -

Yeah, which Sunday you arriving ? ? Bringing "Ginger" ? ? On the fence on bringing my mountain bike - - could take a day away from the rigs and ride the Slickrock Bike Trail, if interested. . .

'91 Sport

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Yes the 5th. Definitely looking forward to the wheeling and "Ginger" is eager to roll on the rocks.
