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Moab 2015 - May 22-24

A few from Fins and Things,

First, thank you all for your concern and well wishes from the rollover today.

And on to the rollover

with the windshield missing you get a clear picture

I didn't get any pics while it was on it's side, but I'm pretty sure there are some out there.

What happened is just part of wheeling hard, no I did not want to be a member of the Rollover Posse, but I am now.

There are vids of the rollover too.

Here is what I remember:

Lost momentum going up, braked, started going backwards, brakes were holding the tires but not the rig, then I just started rolling.

After the roll stopped and I was getting helped out of the rig, (the rig came to rest on the passenger side) I felt and heard people getting on the rig and getting the drivers door opened, then helping me out. I was offered assistance by a off roader who I did not know, when I jumped to the ground I fell and was then guided by those around me to sit down. When I sat down the first thing I noticed was a medical bag was beside me already, it was EF'er 5speedman already. He gave me a check and we went to look at everything.

The speed in which all the members of the EF hauled ass to the rig and jumped to help me is amazing. There were other off roaders there who rushed to help It just goes to show you how great the EF is and off roaders will extend assistance when needed.

The Dr. Jack is not out of off roading, he is going to Bandit Customs!!!!!!
(I think this was decided along with improvements to be made before it was pushed back on 4 wheels)

To all of you there on Fins and Things today, Thank you and I am so freaking blessed to be part of all of ya'lls life.

We are all very grateful that you were ok....This group is a family and this incident was proof of that.....Mike we are all blessed to be a part of your life bro........A special thanks to 5 speed man for getting there so quickly to look after mike....and to everyone who helped in this today....including those non EF members....

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Hey guys, just got on to check on things. You all have been an amazing group and we are so thankful to be able to come along. Looking forward to more wheelin, especially in 2016!!

Mike, man, you are such a good sport. The rollover couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, we are glad to hear that you are ok.

That said, if there are any parts that you need to assist in getting the rig back on the road, let us know. We have seven scrapyards out here and we can certainly find whatever you need stock-wise.

Hope to see you all again, will have pics uploaded over the next few days. Keep on truckin!!


Holy wave of mud stain Batman! :eek:

Hope Rob had a spare set of clothes with him! :bsnicker:

Hey all....just made it back about 30 minutes ago (guess my time calculation was off a bit)....

I just want to say (in addition to letting you all know I got back without incident), that I am so glad I came on this trip...wasn't sure what I was gonna get into since I've never met any of you before, but you all are a great group of people, and I thank you all for that. It's what this forum is all about. (I apologize if I get anyone's name wrong, or only remember your screen names), but Bryan, thanks for that go-for-it attitude, Anthony for spotting and leading today, Eric for doing a superb job in a stock rig (really hope to see you two next year), Dan for being a really easy guy to talk to, Brian for having that canopy when we were stuck on Mike's corner--err, chicken corners, Birdy (and your wife) for just being really cool people to hang out with, Tbars for the good chat at The Branding Iron (was looking forward to wheeling together), Russel and Kris for all the info, video, shots and that manual t-case and just being the great people (friends) that you guys are...

And then there are the McFarlin brothers...haha! I want to thank you both for giving me the opportunity/excuse for getting my tools out of my truck! :D All kidding aside, you two were great company...all the jokes and laughs (albeit most of the time at your expense), I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to share my first EF run with!

Mike, I'm sure as heck happy that you were alright after that rollover. If you guys need anything for the rebuild (Kris and Russel, this is for you too) and can't find it at Bandit Customs, just gimme a holler same as Glasken and Blitz...I will gladly scour the yards to help in the rebuild (or if you all have time and I have time, I'd be more than happy to make a trip to Texas to give you guys a hand.)

Rick, I was looking forward to meeting you and Char, and I know you couldn't make it, but I wanted to thank you for putting together such a great site to bring a great group of people like this together. I hope that you and Char can get all that you need done to be good as new and ready to hit the trails again soon!

Like it was said earlier today, EF is just a big ol' family, and I couldn't ask for a better one! I hope to see ALL of you next year, or maybe even before that!

Now that that has all been said, I'm going to bed, but I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow (after I clean out all the camping gear from Edgar)... :D

All I can say is 'what a trip!!' We had ups and downs, joy and fear, but all in all I think this trip was a roaring success. Got to meet some new friends and see the old ones and can't wait for next year!! We have hundreds of photos, gigs and gigs of video to sort through in the next few days so be looking forward to that! Thanks to everyone who came out, it is always a joy to take a break from life and hang out with fellow explorer owners!!!!!

Couple pics from the video here. And we had a blast! Thanks to everyone for everything, and we'll see ya next year with our first string explorer!


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Can't seem to do more than one at a time


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Like it was said earlier today, EF is just a big ol' family, and I couldn't ask for a better one!

To me that's what staying with this forum for nearly 20 years is all about :chug: I have met FANTASTIC folks because of this forum. I'm glad that new arrivals feel the same way.

Well looks like i have a new project when the Bandit Customs posse gets back! We will get that that Explorer looking new! Glad everyone had fun, and it seems most of the rigs held together! Hopefully ill be there next year!

Now that the weekend is over I'm just as depressed as the day I was supposed to leave... Sigh... It's just too dang long until 2016:banghead:

So glad that you guys and gals had a great time out there. It looks like the weather was great for you and the group was excellent.

Thanks to all who attended and made it happen:chug:

Now that the weekend is over I'm just as depressed as the day I was supposed to leave... Sigh... It's just too dang long until 2016:banghead:

So glad that you guys and gals had a great time out there. It looks like the weather was great for you and the group was excellent.

Thanks to all who attended and made it happen:chug:

Even though you were absent it couldn't have happened without you rick.......hope you and char get to feeling better real soon.

A few from Fins and Things,

First, thank you all for your concern and well wishes from the rollover today.

What a sad picture. Dr. Jack was such a clean rig. Sorry. You are right, its part of wheeling. Welcome to the Roll Over Posse!:roll:

I bet you woke up sore the next day, that was a heck of a rollover. Would love to see the video, and I wish I was there. I mean, if your gonna roll, at least I could have been there to watch.

Is the body straight besides the roof? Any body mounts broken or frame damage? Looks like you could replace the roof.

Working on the moab video trailer right now :)

Man hurry up! I wanna watch on it on the big screen! Also im glad to here Dans ride didnt give any issues! Or Roscoe for that matter, just shows how good yall are!

We just got here. I waved at a guy in a rad red 2nd gen explorer south of gateway, co. Maybe 2timingtom? I had a buddy here all weekend with the colorado Christian 4 wheelers. He said there was a bunch of explorers at city market the other day and they you were working on one before the day even started! Sorry I missed you guys.

What a sad picture. Dr. Jack was such a clean rig. Sorry. You are right, its part of wheeling. Welcome to the Roll Over Posse!:roll:

I bet you woke up sore the next day, that was a heck of a rollover. Would love to see the video, and I wish I was there. I mean, if your gonna roll, at least I could have been there to watch.

Is the body straight besides the roof? Any body mounts broken or frame damage? Looks like you could replace the roof.

The body is damaged all around sadly, even the hood got a little damage, the frame and suspension is fine along with the drive train. Don't worry the Jack will be repaired. If all goes well better then before. It will be back for 2016 moab

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I was near Gateway today. We camped a little south of there and then I went south through Nutrita and then over to Montrose. So I wasn't actually in Gateway today.

I'll get pics and a report up from my trip. It was epic. Over 200 miles on dirt. Got rained on, hailed on, nearly struck by lightning, snowed on, sun burnt and bounced around like you wouldn't believe. Got to use my winch for the first time.
